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Everything posted by kpshira

  1. How did you go about putting everything on one DVD? I'm a little new to DVD technology and so far have only been able to put the avi file on the DVD with a pretty simple menu. Do you have to do an "open" session and then add the other files after the avi.? Thanks so much for your help. Kipper
  2. Actually, I don't know what I did wrong the first time (I know the small window was still open), but it worked like a champ the second time. Thanks so much for your help. I spent the better part of the last few days working on a memorial video for my mother-in-law who passed away on Saturday and I wanted to have a DVD for those family members without computers. Thanks again for your support. Kipper
  3. I generated the AVI, left PTE running, and opened the AVI in Nero 7 (through Nero Vision 4). It shows a black thumbnail and no video, although the sound plays fine. Any ideas why? Nero 7 - Nero Vision 4 PTE 4.48
  4. Thank you both so much for your help. The training CD works great. The only thing it took me a long time to figure out was that I needed to put the file name in " ". Thanks again. Boy, will this impress my new boss! Kipper
  5. I am working on a training video and need to be able to have the viewer click a button to see a PDF file. I have all the files on a CD with the slide show. The problem I am having is related to the fact that not all CD drives share the same drive name (letter) so that when I call for the file, the path isn't always correct. I read some of the other threads and tried not specifying a path, but that doesn't seem to work. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks Kipper
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