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Everything posted by Alex55

  1. Yes, I've got some background. I like this app so far. Wasn't able to overload my old Core i7 in any way. Didn't try video so. Have a lot of questions of course. One of them is any way I can undock the panels or split them to 2nd monitor? Would appreciate any advice. And thanks for the comment!
  2. Thanks Tom. My bad on spelling. Gonna fix it.
  3. Agree with you on black sides. I hate that. But this video was intentionally done for the sell phone means vertical format. So I'm safe here. Yes, whatever is ordinary today gonna be precious tomorrow regarding our love ones. Like you said I'm trying to preserve family history too . Thanks for all of your advices.
  4. Hi everybody, Here's a new member, Alex55. Found out about this beautiful app couple of month ago. Got registered yesterday. Would like to share with you one of my efforts to understand how it works. This is my dear granddaughter at her 4. Have couple more on web. Feel free to comment and share if you like. Thanks. Alex
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