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Everything posted by dawsonsmom

  1. I just got a new computer for Christmas. I've had to reload all of my programs and have been able to click on something in each program to find my key or serial number, but can't seem to find this anywhere in my pix2exe software on the old computer. I've had this program for years and apparantly didn't save the email link with the key because I've looked everywhere. Anyone know what I can do from here? Thanks so much Tammy
  2. Thank you so much Fred. I'll definately go to the bottom and see what turns up. I didn't even notice that button. I did finally save it as as a video file, but my program still didn't recognize it. I'll try it again, but when I saved it as a video file to my desktop it saved as a SCR file, but the program that I use to burn still didn't recognize it. It said "an SCR will not work in a VCD player. To make this file video CD compliant you will need to use an MPEG encoder that supports video CD encoding", it also said that I needed to have mpeg files????? I'm thinking that the problem might be with "Easy CD Creator". It's not always so easy . Do you guys think that I need a different program to burn these things? Thanks so much for all of your help. I guess I'm going backwards but I should introduce myself. I'm a mom of a 21 month old and live with him and my husband in Virginia. I'm starting a photography (portrait) business and thought that slide shows would be a wonderful addition to a package that I could offer. So here I am........ I've been lurking for a few days and really appreciate all of your wonderful wealth of information. I love P2E, but have only had it for a few days and am still learning. I have a question for Al. I thought it said on your website that you live in the Blue Ridge mountains, but then I saw that you live in Canada. I also live near the Blue Ridge Mountains, so I was just curious. I asked my husband if the Blue ridge moutnains go to Canada and I just got a look (I guess I was having a blonde moment). Al, your p2E tutorial was a big help. Thanks to everyone and Happy Mothers Day. Tammy
  3. Please pardon my cluelessness, but I am very new to P2E. I"ve always used Photo Jam in the past which seems to be the "dummies" version of this program I've created a slide show and chose create and save it as an exe file on my desktop. I'm using Easy CD Creater to try to burn this and it doesn't seem to recognize it at all. Photo Jam also saves as an exe file and it does recognize those shows, so I'm not sure why. Do I need different software to burn this show or should I be creating it in a different manner. Thanks so much for your help.....
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