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Bad Dancer

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Everything posted by Bad Dancer

  1. Rosemary A You're welcome. The background layer is labeled everywhere (BG). It is replaced normally in the "Properties" window in the "File" box.
  2. Xenofex2 Yes, sir, of course you can. The bakery works at full capacity even seven days a week. So you won't be left without dessert.
  3. The template is made in PTE AV Studio 10. Isometric text in several versions. It is absolutely not necessary to apply the template as it is, you can save each slide as a style and apply in any project. Just create a new slide, apply the desired style to it, edit and copy-paste the necessary layers from this slide to the required one. Good health and creative success to all! Download link on YouTube in the template description.
  4. AleAle5025 I agree with you. Each person has his own vision of the surrounding reality. I offered you a cake, but with what knife and into what pieces you will cut it, it only touches you. Thanks for your chat!
  5. AleAle5025 Add opacity. But, if the shadow is too contrasting, it distracts the viewer's attention, and sometimes annoys. You can apply a different shadow, there are png-files of shadows in the Internet freely available.
  6. The template is made in PTE AV Studio 10. Just a slideshow. 19 placeholders. Editing is regular. The layers are indexed. Photos are cropped, so the aspect ratio does not matter when replacing. Good health and creative success, everyone! Download link on YouTube in the template description.
  7. Xenofex2, Thanks for the flattering comment! There is a very simple solution to your question. Open my template in the program and add the required number of blank slides, they will be created behind my template, then drag the left mouse button as long as you need in front of the template, and the rest will remain behind the template. Just in case, save the template under a new name and continue editing until completion. If you have any questions, ask, if I know how to solve the problem, I will definitely inform you. P.S. The soundtrack will need to be moved in timeline mode to the beginning of the first slide.
  8. Rosemary A, You're welcome. Glad u like it.
  9. vbl2007, OK I understood. The point is that I tried to attach a link to a post, but I was told that a link that does not contain a video is not attached. Thanks for the comment!
  10. The project was made in PTE AV Studio 10. Just a slideshow with a slight grunge bias. 38 placeholder template. Editing is regular. Instead of a photo in a letterhead template with an aspect ratio of 9X16, respectively, when using your photos, you will need to edit size-position excluding photos with vignettes, but there are not many of them. To download the project, go to the YouTube channel and under the video there is a download link. Good health and creative success to everyone!
  11. Проект выполнен в PTE AV Studio 10. Осеннее слайд-шоу. Шаблон на 20 заполнителей. Монтаж регулярный. Фото с виньетками, просто замените и все. Также редактируются виньетки из листьев, можно изменять-удалять элементы. Напишите текст на основном слое, затем скопируйте его на белую основу. Всем здоровья и творческих успехов! Download link on YouTube in the template description.
  12. Shirleyhogan, many thanks. Glad u like it.
  13. Bruss444 Thank you very much for your kind comment!
  14. And thank you! Kind words oblige you to do good deeds. )))
  15. Понял, спасибо! ))) "Understood thanks! ))) " [Added by Igor using Google Translate]
  16. vbl2007, Thanks for the comment! I just registered on the forum yesterday, so I don’t know anything and I don’t know how. How to correctly place a video, a download link. Maybe there are courses for beginners?
  17. I dare to offer you one more PTE template. This is a slideshow with an autumn theme. Maybe someone will come in handy. Download link on YouTube in the template description.
  18. Еще один проект на вашу критику. Буду признателен за комментарии. Download link on YouTube in the template description.
  19. I apologize for the complete inability to post my materials here on the forum, I just registered. The first video was uploaded incorrectly, the theme does not match. Maybe the moderators will move to the right place. Thanks. Download link on YouTube in the template description.
  20. Ссылка для скачивания есть на YouTube на моем канале.
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