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  1. Another member had reported a problem on May 19 within another post which I am also experiencing. Unfortunately, no replies were made to his post. By posting a new topic here, my hope is that suggestions will be made to help me (and him) with this problem. It would be greatly appreciated. I have created a slideshow with pic2exe 4.2 and am trying to burn it to DVD+R format with my new Plextor PX-504UF external DVD burner. I have downloaded the trial version of ULead Movie Factory 3, with high hopes for success. This process has been extremely frustrating, since much money and time has already been expended, but I have no usable DVDs to share with my friends and family. After creating the p2exe .avi file, I have made many repeated attempts to burn the production in Ulead MF-3. Upon hitting the OUTPUT key, the Ulead progress bar appears and the program seems to begin doing its' job. After a few minutes though, two error messages appear after each of my repeated attempts: failed to re-use converted cache file (4570) and: unspecified error - Report ID: 0x800411 da (4570) [14252:1:0] After the last try, another Windows notice appeared, informing me that: the apr.exe program will be closed immediately, pic2exe. then closed, but Ulead stayed open. Yikes . . . now I have the Windoze police after me! I've tried rebooting and altering the Ulead menu configurations . . . to no avail. Thank you, in advance for any help you can provide. Steve
  2. Hello Kenn, I am experiencing the exact same situation with my attempts to burn to DVD-video format. The same error messages appear after repeated tries . . . I too am very frustrated. Especially after buying both software programs, a new Plextor DVD burner, and spending countless hours through the learning curve and creation of my first slideshow. A very anti-climatic experience. It seems however, that no one is replying to your post. Perhaps this will send it to the top again and someone will offer a helpful suggestion. Steve
  3. Thank you for the reply Ken. I had studied that link before, but found the tutorial and subsequent discussions to be inconsistant with my problem. I am running Ulead DVD Moviefactory 3 . . . with different screens than described. I did manage to figure things out on my own and have burned a disk. However, the resolution of my images is horrible, artifacts appearing halfway through the 10 minute show and breaks in the music score. I am not happy with the output at all. Of course, the 62 UW images I used are unreduced 2560x1920 resolution at 75% of the screen and my monitor is a 20 inch HD flatscreen. So, my expectations were very high after viewing the preview mode before burning. Never the less, I expected much better results. Guess I need to either do more research or wait until my new Roxio Easy Media Creator 7 Digital Media Suite program arrives. I give up on Ulead.
  4. Hello everyone, another newbie wannabe slideshow creator with a dumb question, hope you can help me. I have purchased and downloaded the latest version of pictures2exe and have spent many hours preparing my first slideshow of underwater photos from my last dive vacation. The preview is very exciting and I was happy to co-ordinate music tracks to the slides. Came out at almost 100 MB. My problem is . . . I cannot manage to burn the project onto a CD-R in SVCD format. At first, I bought and attempted to use Nitro-Burn&Go software, but the format was not accepted. So I downloaded ULEAD DVD MovieFactory 3, (pic2exe "help" recommendation) followed all the recommended actions and I repeatedly get error messages. The message states that the format is incompatible. It seems the only format that ULEAD accepts is a "DMF Project" (.dwz). I even tried saving as a DVD format (thinking I could purchase a DVD writer), but it was still rejected by ULEAD. Hopefully, there is a simple fix and I am doing something wrong? Sorry if this question has been asked before.
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