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Everything posted by andrea31419

  1. How do you create the black/white to color transition in the slideshow presentation? A.
  2. I'm getting my Comcast highspeed internet tomorrow, I'll have to check on that. Using the other site you mentioned, do they provide a link that I can put on my site for downloading? A.
  3. Yahoo just says that for "security reasons", whatever that is, they do not support .exe files. I want to keep my site at Yahoo, too much work to do it over...I use Yahoo's online editor, but want somewhere to host my slideshows so I can link from Yahoo to where ever I have the shows uploaded. I hope this makes sense. A.
  4. My current web server, Yahoo, does not support .exe formats. Is there a place to upload slideshows and link back to my website for all to view? Andrea
  5. I went to your website didn't see the link? Where is it? A.
  6. Another diver here. I'm contemplating purchasing the Pic2Exe program. If I'm reading correctly, we can save slideshows in VCD format for viewing on a DVD player? I have the Roxio DVD burning program, so burning shouldn't be a problem. Andrea
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