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Everything posted by imfinewine

  1. I am pleased to announce our AUTUMN GLOW sequence competition. This will be a very special competition as we will have 3 categories of entries: BEGINNER (Entry has not entered a competition before) INTERMEDIATE (Entry has entered a competition but never won any prizes or awards) PROFESSIONAL (Previous entry has won a prize, award, honorable mention or distinction for their previous show(s) Competition will begin October 21, 2005 and all entries must be submitted by midnight (GMT-7) Nov 19, 2005. There will be over $1,000 in Prizes for the top 3 ranked shows in each catagory. You can find more details at http://www.creatingslideshows/forum We look forward to seeing some of the newer PtoE users enter and have some fun as well as all the pro sequencers. Cheers,
  2. Lumenlux, If you enter two sequences it will double your chances for a winning sequence! More sequences=More Fun
  3. Bonjour, Oui, vous pouvez l'envoyer par l'e-mail à dave@creatingslideshows.com. Ou par l'usage de www.dropload.com la même adresse d'e-mail à ded il à nous. Merci et je regarde en avant à l'accueille sur notre site. -Déserter Dave
  4. Hi Bill, I am sorry to hear that and can empathize with you as we we hacked a few months back. Some people do not like the fact they have to spend 45 seconds to register on our site but this is the sole reason we require it...to try and keep tabs on any mischief. It really takes a lot of savoy and skill to hack into a forum or open site like yours <lol>. I'd be ashamed to have that as my bragging rights if that's the best I could do. It truely is a shame a lot of sites have to put up with this kind of crap. I hope you reconsider and continue as you have had such a good site without problems for such a good stretch. But if not, any of the P2E members that need hosting space for their sequences are more than welcome to have them hosted on our site. We are currently hosting 132 shows and will not start archiving them and go into rotation until that # reaches 200. Cheers and all the best, Desert Dave Creating Slide Shows Gallery
  5. I am pleased to announce the opening of our 'Summer Fun' competition. Deadline for entries will be July 30th, 2005 at Midnight (GMT-7). This is the 3rd of our quarterly competitions this year and will offer the largest value of prizes offered to date, over $1,000.00. This will be an open image and audio sequence entry. There are no limits set for length of the sequence and all types of special effects are allowed. Music and narration will also be of your choice. Sequences are to embrace something pertaining to Summer activities, festival's, picnic's, boating, hiking, weddings, sightseeing, camping, people watching, vacation travel, ect. A pretty wide open choice of subject matter to choose from but to be of typical Summer happenings. We hope to see your entry. For more details please log in to Creating Slide Shows Cheers, Desert Dave
  6. Don't worry Ron, Peter is well aware and even more curious than I on how it changes how people think about the sequence.
  7. Thanks Barry for a perfect re-entry point for me. The show you watched is actually a competition entry at creatingslideshows.com. We took out the spoken words and added music in instead to see what the reaction would be to it. This is part of an on-going discussion we're having there on using spoken words in sequences....quite interesting on the reactions. So here's the actual show as intended by the author. Thin Spring Air I'm sure you'll find it quite a bit more interesting.
  8. centreofengland, Thanks for your comment. Just to mention it was not my show. Maybe my mind leans to the morbid side but after I watched it a second time I felt the author was expressing that the man's time had run out and returned to the grave (hence the title "out of and into thin spring aire"). The beer can maybe was significant of how he died. Then throwing in the dichotomy of spring being associated with life. That's the best I could make of it. Any one see that or something else?
  9. Not a game, serious stuff. Just have to do it this way so people can follow along quickly. The discussion on this is 9 pages long over at CSS and hasn't even gotten to this part yet.
  10. I'll explain more in a little bit after a few people guess at the storyline. Although a little strange one popped right out at me.
  11. Hi Folks, Here's a little sequence I'd like you to view: Spring without Aire After you view it if you would be so kind as to comment on what message or theme you think the author was trying to convey with it. Please be sure to view the sequence before reading the rest of this thread. Enjoy,
  12. As mentioned in my opening post the sequence (now both) are available at Creating Slide Shows
  13. I am honored that Ron Davies has allowed us to host his 2005 IAC Geoffrey Round Digital AV Competition Winner, Hedd Wyn. It will be available for download at avworld.org shortly. But if you can't wait, please stop by and enjoy it at creatingslideshows.com/gallery Congrats Ron! Desert Dave
  14. Guido, your use of the word gift is perfect to describe the two sequences Peter has done for holy week. They are truely outstanding (IMHO). If you'd like to view them they can be downloaded at : http://www.creatingslideshows.com/gallery/...hp?cat=0&page=9 If you aren't a member with us you will have to spend 15 seconds to register, my apoligies but I can't change our program app. Happy Easter All! -desert dave
  15. A cordial invitation to all PtoE sequencers to enter our "Spring Aire" competition. Deadline for entries will be April 23rd 2005 at Midnight (GMT-7). This is the 2nd of our quarterly competitions this year and will be an open image and audio sequence entry. There are no limits set for length of the sequence and all types of special effects are allowed. Music and narration will also be of your choice. Sequences are to embrace something pertaining to the unfolding of “Spring” such as the blooming of flowers or trees, kite flying, a spring wedding, young animals just born ect. A pretty open choice of subject matter to choose from but to be of typical Spring events. There will be over $750.00 in prizes awarded to 1st, 2nd & 3rd place winners. These will be announced in the next week or so. Judging will be by members of record as of April 23rd 2005. Entries can be sent by www.dropload.com to forum@creatingslideshows.com You can followup on more details at www.creatingslideshows.com/forum. Cheers, Desert Dave
  16. Hi Cindy, I normally am not super fond of a lot of B/W images used but in your sequence they did work quite well. And of course your use of spot color made it just right. I enjoyed it. desert dave
  17. I'm happy to announce that the winner of the "Something Different " short series competition was a PtoE show done by Peter S. Coles titled 'Not There'. Congrats Peter! You can view his show and the other entries at: http://www.creatingslideshows.com/gallery/...ndex.php?cat=17 Cheers, desert dave
  18. Hi Harry, Just add the url to where it's at on your site. desert dave
  19. Brigadier. You asked what the Yanks would think, well change the voice to Texan or New Yorkish and you'd think you were seeing vintage summer vacation here also. It was great and certainly nostalgic for me. A little skinnier and I'd see myself in that sequence. Great idea to bring those fond old family vacation photos back to life. Cheers, desert dave
  20. I like to cordially invite PtoE members to join in a little fun in our current "Short Series" sequence competition. Entries are to be of sequences with no more than 7 images used in this one. Titled "something different", images have to be of items in your home and music of your choice. Our last short series titled "love" of 5-7 images produced some very interesting sequences. To join the fun or enjoy the last entries stop by at http://www.creatingslideshows.com/forum. Cheers, desert dave
  21. Thanks, off to enjoy it now! -dd
  22. Techman1, You can jump in with about 3-4 lines of input on the registration and no sales pitch, nothing to buy and grab all the shows to watch. With all the uploading and downloading we have going on, there has to be some tracking to assure security. Sorry but it's simple and easy enough. -desert dave P.S. All 3 of the top winners were using P2E
  23. Ronwill, I was very curious of this also and checked how it worked to be sure everything was fine. The additional views on some were produced by just that, a click through on a photo image. The worst rated show had the most views, which makes no sense. But it was also the first show on the page. I assume people that didn't know the downloads were in our gallery on not on this rating page clicked on a few photos and not finding a download stopped clicking on the photos. Hence the diference. And of course you click on the highest rated shows to see what's there. There is no correlation to some sequences actually being watched more than others by the # of views shown.
  24. Nick, You uploaded to where? -dd
  25. The results are now in and the winners of our Winter Competition are: 1st Place........Peter Coles with Fragile World 2nd Place.......Roger Walton (Contaxman) with Bleak Midwinter 3rd Place ......J.P. Dollangère with Le rêve d'Elga Congratulations to you all on your winning entries. And a hardy thank you to all of the participants for taking the time to submit an entry. All of the sequences can be viewed at Creating Slide Shows desert dave
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