Nobeefstu, OH my Gosh!!! When I went to file/open I could get to them. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!! Still when I go to them from my folders in My Computer they are all the same slideshow. When I save a new slideshow, I go to file/save as and name it with the clients name and date. I have a folder strickly for slideshows called My slideshows. Inside that folder I have folders with dates example ... Oct.2007-Dec.2007 and inside that folder I put all slideshows made during those months along with a startexe and autoruninf. Each slideshow is named with the clients name and date. When I get ready to burn a slideshow that is already made 1. "create it" choosing the folder (oct.2007-decembe2007) in PTEXE 2. Close out PTEXE. 3. Go to "my computer" and open the folder of Oct.2007-December2007 find my clients folder ,the start button and the autoruninf button and highlight those 3 sending it to my D drive so I can burn it to a CD. Now.... the other day, I remember when I burned a CD slideshow, a box came up with several options and I choose save CD because I needed to burn 2 of the same slideshow. I have never seen that box before and I think when I choose save CD, it change a default somewhere and thats why i am having the problem of it changing all my slideshows. I just don't know where to find that box or if this default box is in PTEXE or on my computer. If you have any ideal, please let me know Thank you so much. Pam