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Pam Dean

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Everything posted by Pam Dean

  1. Thanks everyone, I am consider upgrading to 5.1. If you already have 4.3 does it cost anything? Pam
  2. Can I upgrade to 5.1 but still have 4.31 or will it override 4.31? Thanks Pam
  3. For many years I have been making CD's for my customers. Now I want to offer DVD's. I am using Ulead to burn my DVD's but when I play them on my computer or TV, they are very fuzzy looking. I am embarrassed to say I am still 4.31. Would lowering my resolution help? And what would I need to lower it to. Thanks Pam
  4. Debbie, Hey I just got back into town. I left you a message on the number you posted. The advice from Nobeefstu is working for me. File/open in PTEXE. THANK YOU Nobeefstu. My problem now is, I want to upgrade to 4.41 but how do I save my "Blue Icons" files (slideshows) since the only way I can get to them now is File/Open. I mean is there any way of all of them or most of them at a time on a DVD. When I open them in File/Open in I don't see any where to save the files. Thank you again everyone for your great help. Pam
  5. Great!!! So uninstalling will have no effect on my current slideshows? I will do that. Upgrading hopefully will take care the problem that has been happening. I will let you know how it turns out. Thank you again for your time and help. Pam
  6. Yes, when I double click in file/open I can get to my slideshows. Thank you so much for that information. It's been a long 5 days trying to solve this problem.. I am actually working in PTEXE 4.31. Dumb question... do I go to programs/uninstall or install to reinstall PTEXE and will it change any of the slideshows I have? I just looked and in programs-all I have in uninstall. How do I reinstall 4.31? Thank you so much, you have been sooo helpful. Pam
  7. Nobeefstu, OH my Gosh!!! When I went to file/open I could get to them. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!! Still when I go to them from my folders in My Computer they are all the same slideshow. When I save a new slideshow, I go to file/save as and name it with the clients name and date. I have a folder strickly for slideshows called My slideshows. Inside that folder I have folders with dates example ... Oct.2007-Dec.2007 and inside that folder I put all slideshows made during those months along with a startexe and autoruninf. Each slideshow is named with the clients name and date. When I get ready to burn a slideshow that is already made 1. "create it" choosing the folder (oct.2007-decembe2007) in PTEXE 2. Close out PTEXE. 3. Go to "my computer" and open the folder of Oct.2007-December2007 find my clients folder ,the start button and the autoruninf button and highlight those 3 sending it to my D drive so I can burn it to a CD. Now.... the other day, I remember when I burned a CD slideshow, a box came up with several options and I choose save CD because I needed to burn 2 of the same slideshow. I have never seen that box before and I think when I choose save CD, it change a default somewhere and thats why i am having the problem of it changing all my slideshows. I just don't know where to find that box or if this default box is in PTEXE or on my computer. If you have any ideal, please let me know Thank you so much. Pam
  8. Hey Brian, I tried naming it the way you showed me, but that did not work either. It still replaces every slideshow with whatever slideshow I am currently working on. Brian, I do remember a box coming up at one point earlyer and I needed to run 2 of the same slideshow and I clicked on a save the file (therefore I must have changed something in default somewhere) but I don't remember that box every coming up before. It happened right after I burned the slideshow to a CD. Somewhere in a default on my computer or in the slideshow software I have changed the default setting. This is the only thing I can remember happening. My husband and I have been working hours on this since Wednesday. If anyone can help me please post your phone number so I can talk and work this out on the phone. I can talk better than I can type. Thanks so much Pam
  9. When I "save as" I save it using my clients name and date. When I "Created Slideshow As" the Start Button EXE is always in the file name. What I have is folders of 3 months (Sept.-Dec. 07) and as I make slideshows those months each slide show has their own folder ( Lori Ford Family 11-15-07) . I might have 20 different family names in this 3 month folder. Now all folder change everytime i make a new slideshow to the last slideshow I have just made. Their name stays correct but when you open it up, it contains the last slideshow's pictures in it. How can I upgrade to 4.48. I there anyone that I can talk with on the phone with. I would be glad to do the calling so the bill would be on me. thanks Pam Dean
  10. I hope someone can help me. For some reason when I saved my last slideshow, it also saved over every slideshow I have created since 2005. I tried a different slideshow and it to saves over all the slideshows.. I can only have 1 slideshow at a time and I have lost everyslide show since 2005. I'm not sure at what point does this happen. When I save as or create or x out. I some point what ever that slideshow I'm working on copies over the other slideshow from the past. I do remember something that happened just the other day. After creating and burning a slideshow a box came up and I checked to save this slideshow because I needed 2 of these slideshows( this box is something I have never seen before, it kinda looked like the box that comes up if you have to many images to burn on one CD.) I think every since then, when I save my slideshow, it saves over ALL slideshows too. Can someone please help me. I am working in version 4.31 Thanks Pam
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