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Annie C

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  1. Perfect. I see lots of uses for this. Thanks for your hard work
  2. I recently purchased a new computer and installed the latest version of PTE on it. Now I would like to copy all the slide styles and transitions from the original machine to the new one in some bulk process. Copying them one at a time is doable using export, but would take a long time as I have many styles I created
  3. Annie C


    Can you make this style available? It's very effective.
  4. Lots of fun to use but some of my images have embedded text and I would like to unmirror those pages. According to the installation notes, it's possible but just can't seem to figure it out. Thanks for all your hard work
  5. One of the features that I most enjoyed in Proshow Producer was the ability to quickly sync up audio and video. I could easily add or delete slides knowing that any timing adjustments would be maintained on a re-sync. When looking for a new program to replace Producer it was important for me to have a similar feature. However, I find that the sync feature in AV studio comes up short compared to Producer. After spending much time fine-tuning timings in AV studio particularly for those slides with multiple images and complicated arrangements, it’s disheartening to know that were I to sync the audio and the video, all slide timings would get the same duration. Adding or deleting even one or two slides would require more manual effort. So I just avoid that option and consequently spend more time than I want manually syncing. I was just looking at my implementation of Producer and the function that AV studio is missing is the ability to “keep the proportions the same as existing times” which is an option available on Producer's “Synchronize show to soundtrack menu.” I would hope this feature would be available in a future release, or maybe someone knows of a work around.
  6. https://we.tl/t-WLFpHuFxi1 hope this works I am on a windows machine
  7. I'm attempting to figure out how to show snowfall on a winter image. I imported an mp4 file which just shows snow falling on a black background. When I test the slide (using containers, stencils, etc), it appears to work fine. The image is fully displayed and the snow fall across the entire image. However when I exit this window and view the slide in preview there is no snowfall, just the original image.
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