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  1. Thank You Peter☺
  2. Hello, I had used PicturesToExe from the beginning, but haven't used in quite a while. The last version I downloaded was 5.10. My question is: I do have my key from original purchase, but will it still work if I want to download the latest version PicturesToExe Deluxe 7.5? Also do I need to buy the video option to make DVD's and what is the cost for me to get back on track? I also have changed PC's since my last use of PTE, but have the key on a back up hard drive and can get it off to use I think if that still applies? Any information on how to proceed will be appreciated. Thank You, Rayden
  3. Brian, Sorry I took so long to get this back after your reply also. Your suggestion to resize the photo's I had already done (before I seen your reply) and it worked great as usual. I usually do resize, but the person I was making this slide for asked me not to. I think your statement "Your Show of 645.Mb would just about fill a CD-Disc of 700.Mb (writeable size)" is why - a full disk. I had never tried to make a slide with photos in original size off camera so I have never had the problem as I had with these before. I also thought that when I had my PC upgraded last year (instead of going Vista) that the company doing my work understood that I needed lots of ram for what I like to do, but I now know he didn't quite get what I was telling him and I just don't have enough ram. So for now, I'll just muddle along until the new, after Vista gets here. Thank You All for your help. Raydene
  4. Brian, Thanks for the info. So your telling me that I need more Ram because 1 gig isn't enough to make a slide that large. As for my start up, NO I don't have alot of programs starting up, I use msconfig often to make sure I don't. Raydene
  5. nobeefstu, Again, I thank you for your time and knowledge. After my last post, I deleted all - cleaned and defraged everything (I have 2 hard drives) restarted and tried to get the icon in the IKE.exe again after starting over. This time I got a notice while creating the exe file just after it showed 100% finished saying " Out of Memory" (was using C drive when I got this message) and had to ctrl-delete to get out of the Pic2exe program. Then Checking where I saved the exe file-it did make it but no icon again-except that weird one. I then repeated the cleaning etc. again and this time did a batch resize + sharp of all the photos that will go into IKE, decreasing each photo 25%. Finally all worked and looks great like always! Question: The original photos inside IKE came up to 664 mb and I have dual processors with a gig of ram is that not enough to make a slide that size in mb's? My C drive has only 1 gig, but is 63% free and my D drive has 300 gig and 200 free. I tried making the IKE using the D drive 1st then went to C this time, with same results (no icon) until I decreased the photo sizes. I try to keep the C drive for operating use only and the D for all my work and haven't ever had any problems doing things this way until now. Do I just need more RAM again? I don't usually make my slides with that much mbs in a photo, but these aren't MY photo's and I was requested to leave them the original size. Didn't work though, but maybe a lesson of needing more ram just incase? Thank You again !! Raydene
  6. Brian, Thank You for explaining this to me with your reply . Your right! I think alot of what happens are how WE set things up. I'm still not sure what I may have set up wrong that is causing mine yet! Raydene
  7. Before you check the downloaded .pte file and exe file you requested - I was checking things and this is what I find maybe causing the problem? I made a short slide without music as you requested in 5.0. Saving the project as a pte file first, then closing 5.0 and then re-opening 5.0 and running it again and checking my settings before I made the exe of it. The exe did have my icon this time ? where I had saved it on my PC and played. I then went to the pte file where it was saved inside the pc and clicked on it not using 5.0 to do so - just clicking on the pte file stored inside my PC. When it opened the pte file inside the PC - the project box was empty of any photos and the project name says "PicturesToEXE v4.48 - Project1". I then opened the 5.0 program again then opened that same project from inside the program and it then opened showing the photos of the slide I had made correctly BUT only when opening the saved pte file inside the 5.0 program itself, but not when just clicking on ithe saved pte file inside the pc? So I'm thinking it may do the same for you. But here they are:Test.zip I have all the programs I have downloaded over the years inside the same file, but each version has it's own seperate file. The only difference in this short slide attached and the Ike slide (644 mb) is the size of the slide and the music (I kept the slide time and transistions the same, but not the sizes of the photos because they are of Hurricane Ike in the one that I'm trying to get the icon in) and the Ike slide photos are personal photos of friend of mine who lives in Galveston. I have used the same music before in slides with no problems and did work even with no icon. Isn't the project file suppose to change to the file version that creates it? I do still have the 5.0 install exe, if you think deleting the one I'm now using and re-installing may help my problem as a quick fix, until I get more time to play with a newer version after Thansgiving................I'm expecting lots of family who I'm not done getting ready for yet........so not much time for me to play like I'd LOVE to. Thank You for all and any help - You've been great! Raydene
  8. nobeefstu, I haven't been keeping up with the ugrades, just using 5.0. If I did do an upgrade as your suggestion, will my slide project open and work like I now have it or would I have to redo it? I also haven't downloaded anything higher than my last which was 5.10 and never even installed that one. Where would I go?? to get the one that will be less work at this point for this project I now have finished and can't get my icon on? I also am attaching a copy of the Icon that has kept showing up on the created exe file project when I click on create the exe slide show. "Weird" and not like any I have seen before when I have made an exe without an icon and just let the program do it. The one I always before got as the icon is on the left, the one I've been getting now on the right. I appreciate all your helpful imput - Thanks Raydene
  9. Brian, I always put a different Icon on any PTE.exe show I create in my PC. I have never had the problem you discribed above. Actually, NO problems adding a different Icon to any .exe shows I've made using the Icon option in the program, until now. They are usually inside my PC with the Icon I added - already on it after I creat it and before I load into a CD-Disc and the created Icon goes with it. My question now is "Are others having a problem like you also or am I not understanding what you said above? Raydene
  10. Yes, I'm sure I followed the directions correctly and checked the "use your own icon box" and also loaded and reloaded it and re- made the icons over and over again, not really caring what it looked like just trying to get one on the exe. file after it was created. Now that you have tried it, and it worked for you? I'm thinking now maybe there is something wrong with my PTE program? Thanks for your help at least I now know it's not me. Raydene
  11. Thank You, k.zip I have never uploaded here and hope I got it up here. Raydene
  12. Sorry, I have read in search etc. about Icons and been remaking and making them all day with different icon programs and even downloaded another and tried it, but when trying to get one to be there when I make this slide I finished - NO ICON, but the programs icon. I am using 5.0 and haven't had a problem getting one on the exe file before. This slide is 644.5 MB big and has 186 photos and it makes the slide fine but won't put any of the icons I have tried into it. I have been making them 32x32 like I always do. I've been at this for over 4 hrs and give up! Anyone have any ideas whats wrong-besides me? Thanks, Raydene
  13. Ray, I also would be interested in any knowledge you have on this subject. I have an HD TV, but haven't made a DVD yet with any PTE, but I sure am saving all Tut's and knowledge found here pertaining to this so when I do try, I won't have to search the forum in the middle of my first one. I also review the Tuts I have so far collected in hopes when I do make my first one, my memory of them will remind me some kind person had shown me what I need at the point I am at and I can go back to it easily and see the answer I need at that point. Your right a lot of us who are always reading this forum, we don't all participate as much as some, but beleive me, YOU ALL THAT DO are the bread and butter of learning. I PERSONALLY SAY "THANK YOU ALL WHO DO ALL THESE WONDERFUL TUTORIALS THAT HELP SO MUCH THAT WITHOUT Y'ALL I COULDN'T DO" Raydene
  14. I tried your Comic Effect out and loved it. It was really fun and created great toons. Thank You Dom for sharing. Raydene
  15. Hello, I'm not much of a poster, but I have been a member since 2002. I am so glad to see that y'all have made a "Flip Book" I made one back in 2004 after seeing the one they were selling on line called the Flip Book. I had thought of putting it up on this forum the one I had made back then to view, but I am not good at doing tutorials nor teaching how I do things, so I just kept quiet. I do my shows for family or friends only and I don't keep any that I make for others after I give them the show (except a few I have kept of my family gatherings). I did keep this 1st flip show I made when I was trying to figure out how to do it with pic2exe. It has no music nor icon and no one has ever seen it in my family. It was an experiment. I don't even remember which version I made it with, but after seeing these posts I went looking and sure enough there it was. So I am enclosing a link if any would like to see what I came up with back in 2004, but remember yours is much smoother and I really don't know how to explain it correctly only that I used graphic programs to do it before I put them in pic2exe. P.S. I thank you all so much for all your tuts and knowledge and your abilities to show us all how you do things. I only wish I were as able. Here is the link to download SHOWS Just click on "Moments in Time" to download if you'd like to see it. Raydene
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