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Peter Appleton

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  1. My thanks to Dave (davegee) and Jill (jkb) for their detailed replies. After much careful thought, I decided to try Dave's suggestion of partitioning the laptop's drive. His instructions were exemplary. The process really was straightforward. I then followed instructions from a Microsoft Support topic that guided me through the necessary steps to move OneDrive from drive C: to drive D:. I started the partitioning at 11:30am and had OneDrive up and running, and fully synchronised with the online copy by 1:30pm. Now I'm off to make a celebratory mug of coffee! This afternoon's task will be to locate and delete any "Z-" prefixed files and folders. These are copies made, over a period of several years, when making significant changes. They existed to give me a quick fallback should a change go pear-shaped. It's high time they were deleted to reclaim their disk space. Regards, Peter
  2. To those who remember me from days gone by, hello again! To those who've never heard of me, don't worry about it, I'm hoping for a quick resolution of this topic, so won't be around here for too long. Some background to my problem... Since moving away from the world of AV sequences I have been using PTE to build what I call Project Workbenches. These are simply menu systems which allow me to access, rapidly and easily, the folder system and files associated with my various historical research projects. All my project data, including the workbench files themselves, are stored under OneDrive. I have two Windows 11 systems: a desktop tower (which obviously stays at home) and a Surface Pro tablet (which accompanies me on visits to Archive locations). Both machines have a C: and D: drive, with the OneDrive implementation being on drive D. Because of the small size (128GB) of the D: drive on the tablet, compared to the desktop's 1TB, the tablet's D: drive holds just that subset of data needed by the current project. This arrangement has delivered the functionality I need without any problems. Or at least, it did! Earlier this month, the tablet experienced terminally fatal failure. I have purchased a Surface Laptop system to replace it. Since its delivery, I have spent the last three days getting the software installed and customised to give me the function that I need. But I have hit a problem with the workbenches. The new laptop does not have a drive D: Having copied the current Workbench.exe file to the laptop, I find that all the references to folders and files (40 of them) within it no longer work. What I am hoping for are ideas as to how best I can attack this problem. Can anyone make any suggestions? Regards, Peter
  3. In the project that I attached to my original post, there are no files seen by PTE. The background is a Rectangle object, there are just the three Text objects. The two shortcuts on the Text objects have names containing only upper and lower case alphabetics and numerics. The target of those shortcuts has a path that includes only: a drive letter; a colon; backward slashes as separators; folder hierarchy names that have only upper and lower alphas, numerics, space and hyphens; and a filename that also has only upper and lower alphas, numerics, space and hyphens.
  4. The Microsoft "nanny state" strikes again! I don't use Windows Defender. I have a different program doing that job. Added... Anyone buying a new computer that runs Windows 11 must keep in mind that Microsoft assume the user is a complete novice. They have set out to make computers as easy to set up and use as possible. A computer is not your tool to do what it wants to do. It should be your tool to do what you want it to!
  5. If I could remember why I did it, I might be able to answer you. I built the first of my research "workbenches" using PTE back in 2011. There must have been a good reason back then but I'm blowed if I can now recall what it was. Ever since, I've worked on the basis of: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". In any case, I'm not convinced the technique is at fault here. Why should it affect only Slide 1 in a 5-slide sequence? Why do other shortcuts having names of 8 through 30 characters all work fine? Why do five other "workbench" applications not have this problem?
  6. I am experiencing inexplicable behaviour using PTE AV Studio 10.0.14 running under Windows 11. N.B. I am using 10.0.14 at the request of Igor whilst the team investigate a different problem I encountered using 10.5.7. I use shortcut files (xxx.lnk) as the targets of all my "Run Application or Open File..." actions. I have discovered that the number of characters in the name of the shortcut can lead to different results. I have created a small project that demonstrates this (see attached). The project comprises one slide having a rectangle object as the background and two text objects. Each text object is set to use "Run Application or Open File..." as the action to be performed on mouse click. Each text object is paired with its own shortcut file (a short one having an 11-character name, and a long one having a 19-character name). The short one was created by copying the 19-character shortcut and then editing its name down to 11 characters. Both shortcuts point to the same Word document file. When the application is run, the 11-character shortcut correctly launches Microsoft Word and opens the target document. The 19-character shortcut tries to open a web page with a name in the form of www.shortcut.com (where shortcut is the 19 characters of the name of the actual shortcut). I first discovered this problem when making some changes to the "workbench" application for my research into the alum industry of north-east Yorkshire. The application is a PTE-generated .EXE file having 5 slides. Each slide has several text objects, each object is a clickable link, via a shortcut, to a file or folder. The problem described above occurs only on Slide 1 of 5, where it affects every clickable text object. None of the text objects on slides 2-5 show any problem. It should be noted that on slides 2-5 there are shortcuts in use that range from 8 characters up to 30 characters for their names, and none of these exhibit any problems. It should also be noted that all files reside in OneDrive and are synchronized across my Windows 11 Lenovo mini-tower system and my Windows 10 Microsoft Surface Pro system. When I execute the self-same "workbench" application on the Windows 10 system, there are no problems whatsoever on any text objects on any of the slides. The fault occurs only on the Windows 11 system. The Windows 10 system has PTE Deluxe 9.0.22 installed. I would like to upgrade the Surface Pro to Windows 11 and replace PTE 9 with PTE AV Studio. However, I am unwilling to do so whilst this, and other problems, remain unresolved. I would be very interested to hear from anyone who uses PTE AV Studio on Windows 11 and who can re-create this problem scenario on their system. Alum-new3_Mar21-2022_14-22-00.zip
  7. Yes and no! "Workbench" is my term for the EXE file created from a PTE project that is intended to support one of my historical research projects.
  8. I'm using 10.0.14 at Igor's request because I reported a bug in the display of some fonts in 10.5.7 which the team have recreated and are now working towards a fix for it.
  9. I have been able to open a folder using "Run Application or Open File..." as follows: In File Explorer, select the desired folder, right-click on it and from the drop down menu click on Copy as Path (N.B. This is a Windows 11 feature) Go to the PTE project file and paste the copied path into the target field of the "Run Application or Open File..." action. The first post above by denisb got me to think differently about my attempted solutions.
  10. Firstly, may I say hi to all those who remember me from the days when I was known on here as PGA and was, for a time, one of the moderator team. I'm no longer active in the world of AV. Over the past 10 years I have become a published author in the Local History genre. My specialist subject is the alum industry that used to exist in my area. Arising from my knowledge in that subject, I have been a contributor to two TV programme series that aired on UK TV channels. I still make use of PTE, as a tool to help manage my research notes and activities. The problem I have is as follows: Using PTE v9 I could set up "Action on mouse click... Run Application or Open File..." to accept a shortcut file as the target of the action. That shortcut could point to either a real file or to a folder. Everything worked as I wanted it to, provided that the shortcuts and PTE-generated executable file were in the same folder. Using PTE AV Studio, I cannot get PTE to accept the shortcut file name as the target of the action. Nor can I find a way to open a folder via any "Action on mouse click.." option. I am open to any ideas on getting this to work. I have six active projects. Each has a "workbench" application, originally built using PTE v9. Each workbench, some with multiple slides, has between 20 and 80 text objects with Actions associated. At present, I seem to be faced with having to rebuild all six workbenches. I'm hoping that I have overlooked something in PTE AV Studio and that one of you can open my eyes to the solution. Thanks in anticipation.
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