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Gary Hamer

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Everything posted by Gary Hamer

  1. Thanks for the feedback Jill. I considered making them all 16:9, but in the end, I decided it would degrade the composition of too many images.
  2. When I do work for publications like calendars and magazines, I save as Adobe RGB from Lightroom, since that is what they request. When I am saving for Facebook posts, my website, PTE or other web-based targets, I save as sRGB. Facebook and my website posts look good except for my mp4 PTE exports. Here is a YouTube link to the latest video that looks oversaturated to me
  3. My color setting in PTE was set to 'Current Monitor Profile' Since both monitors are carefully calibrated. I changed to sRGB and PTE now looks over saturated like my MP4 export. It's odd that I can save my jpgs from Lightroom in sRGB (and they look good) but when I change to sRGB in PTE then everything is over saturated.... I'm really confused at his point. I'm thinking I need to re-train myself and watch some color management 101 vidoes :-) Thanks for trying!
  4. Thanks Jill! Both 'Windows Media Player' and 'Movies and TV' players exhibit the over saturation. When I brought my MP4 back into PTE is looks normal with no over saturation. So that would seem to point to the Windows players. What I can't understand is uploading to YouTube and it looks over saturated... I wouldn't think the Windows color settings would affect YouTube color but I really don't know.
  5. When I save an MP4 slideshow, the result is much more saturated than what I see while editing inside P2EXE. Saving an .exe of the same slideshow gives good results with no oversaturation. When I upload the MP4 to YouTube, it is still oversaturated, while other people's slideshows look fine on my PC. Any thoughts? Thank You! PS - I am using PTE AV Studio 10 Pro, V 10.0.14
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