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Steve Reeves

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  1. Thanks Jill. That worked perfectly. Steve
  2. Hi, under Settings the table view of slide list is greyed out. I wonder if anyone knows how to activate this. Many Thanks Steve
  3. Hi Igor, I couldn't at first understand why you didn't hear any problems as hissing around every s & c in words. I had already updated to the latest version and the problem still existed. I came to the conclusion that problem must be with my equipment. I then played the show through a different monitor and speaker, and it sounded fine. This is the first time I've had problem with this speaker which is of a reasonable quality. A recent musical harmony sounds perfect but having gone back to a previous show with voiceover that too is now distorted. So, it's a new speaker on my Christmas list. Thanks for taking the time and trouble on my behalf it is very much appreciated. Regards Steve
  4. Good evening, Igor, please find attached a file as requested. I have included three separate recording of the same voiceover. All seem to suffer the same problem of squelchy sound. Thanks Steve Igor test projecr_Dec4-2022_21-03-01.zip
  5. Hi Igor, I've now downloaded version 10.5.9 (64bit) Build 3. The problem still exists.
  6. Hi Igor, thanks for helping. The version I have is 10.0.14 (64bit) build 1. I've put PTE11 on my Christmas list this morning.
  7. Hi, thanks for offering help. Waveform below with low bit rate W12 and Higher bite rate is W12_2
  8. Hi, I've increased the Hz to 48000 and the bit rate and the bit rate to 320bps using Online Audio Converter but the problem still exists. any further suggestions would be most welcome. Steve
  9. Thank you, Denis, that's given me a steer where to go next. Regards Steve
  10. Hi, I've encountered a problem when adding a voice over in mp3 format. The problem exists with and without the music track. The track voice works well outside PTE but not inside. Any suggestions of the cause of the problem. W4.mp3
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