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Everything posted by Gail

  1. Thank you for all your helpful comments. I managed to finish the original project and amended the slide times manually. I have just tried out a test new project and it seems that all is now working well. Thank goodness!
  2. That's a good idea.
  3. No still not working. All set to 5 seconds and, when I apply a style, the duration changes to 2!
  4. This wasn't ticked. Hopefully it will work now.
  5. I was prompted to download the update this morning. I've now started a new slideshow and find that each slide duration changes from whatever I have set it to right down to 1 or 2 seconds. Is this a glitch or is there a way to stop this happening?
  6. Brilliant! I knew I had seen this somewhere! Thank you.
  7. Can anyone let me know how many computers I can use my license on? I thought I read two but I can't find it now. Thanks.
  8. Hi. I have PTE AV Studio 10.5 (not the Pro Version). I would like to change to the Pro version. If I upgrade to 10.5 Pro, will I automatically upgrade to version 11 Pro when it is released? Thanks
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