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Sorry, if you shoot RAW, the colour space is irrelevant. That is the whole point of RAW. The data, straight of the sensor with no onboard manipulation. Choosing colour space can still make a lot of sense, for example with simulataneous capture of RAW and jpg. In general, unless a monitor is adjusted "correctly" and the viewing application supports ICM colour management then colour control is hit and miss. Steve
Peter, Do you work purley sequentially then? I.e., you fix your running order and then adjust yor timings, and never chnage your running order as a consequence of adjusting the timmings. When adjusting your timings, does the adjacent slides never have any influence on these timing adjustments? In my case the answers to both these questions is no. I want to adjust my running order to match the mood etc of my images with the mood of the soundtrack, and adjust transitions to key points in the soundtrack. When making these adjustments, the adjacent inages will influence whether I move slide forwards or backwards. Also, if I have similiar images together, I will possibly want to shorten the individual timings, again adjusting the transitions to the key points in the soundtrack. I find it difficult to accept that I am alone in wanting to work in this manner, and having the timeline and slide list displayed simultaeneously would be a massive benefit in supporting this method of working. Does anybody else have any input to this? Steve
Yes it would be nice, but as something similiar has been removed from the program, it is a little frustrating. How do the rest of you do your final tweaking? Do you not find the need to iterate between the slide sequence and timeline and that the current interface is rather cumbersome in this respect? With ProShow Gold, the slide list and timeline are combined in the one panel, and this can be toggled between larger timeline or larger slide thumbnails. Steve
Hi Lin, Yes that is what I (now) get, but the thumbnails are the "file panel", not the slide list, unless there is a way to get it to show the chosen slides in the current running order. Steve
Peter, Yes I was getting that layout. The problem was that when I hit the timeline button, the file list expanded to take over the mini-player. However, I have just discovered that the mini-player had been reduced to zero width. I can drag it back onto screen, and I have the mini-player in timeline view. There appears to an issue with the resizing algorithms. I have dual screens, and if I "restore down" my maximised window and extend it over two screens, and then maximise the window - to a single screen - the mini-player dissapears, and can sometimes be difficult to get back. It looks as though it has been assumed - wrongly - that maximising a window always makes it bigger. Not the case with multiple screens. However, the main issue is still there. I want to see a view of the slides along with the timeline. It appears I can only have one or the other, but not both. It is this that I could do with prvious versions, and I can do with ProShow Gold. I want this so I can fine tune the slide show to the beat of the sound track, and I wan't to see the adjacent slides so I can determine if I want to shorten the slide or lengthen it, and possibly adjust the running order. Obviously if there is a way to do this without switching between slide view and timeline view, then I will be happy, but I can't see how to do it. Steve
Peter On my PC, with 5.6 betas 4,8, 9 & 10, I do not get the preview, or mini-player pane as you call it, although I get it with 5.5. As you say the screen layout is exactly the same, I assume that you have seen the mini-player and timeline together. Therefore there must be a switch or option somewhere that enables this. Any clues? However, I assume from you comments that it is not now possible to view the timeline and the added slide list simultaeneously, although I am sure it was possible in a previous version - obviously prior to 5.5. If it is not now possible, this is, IMHO, a major step backwards. When doing final slide timings, I want to see the slides. If these are not available, then the timeline is not really of much use. Does anybody else have a problem with this, or is it just the way I do things? I am now looking at ProShow Gold, and this feature is readily available. Although I would much prefer to stick with P2e, if I can't get this issue sorted, then I will have no choice. We are looking at slide show programs down at my camera club, and there does appear to be a general movement towards ProShow Gold. I can only assume it is because of issues like this. Steve
Hi, I have not used P2E in anger for a while, and I am having a few difficulties with the screen layout. Currently on 5.6 bete 9. What I would like to have on screen are: thumbnails of slides already added, the timeline view and a larger preview of the selected slide. AFAICR, I used to be able to do this, but I can't figure out how to set this up. When I select timeline, I get the timeline and the file panel, with the option of not having the tree. I must be missing somethig here, because I can't see the use of this view. At least with 5.5 I could also have a preview of the slide on the timeline. Am I missing some options here, or is this a major loss of functionality? Steve
Unless you are using 64 bit apps, you will possibly see a performance drop with 64 bit vista, depending upon exact h/w configuration. 64 bit, by itself, is a performance overhead. The ability to address more memory is the key factor. CS4 is 64 bit, and if you have enough ram and edit v large files, then 64 bit might be the way to go. I have 64 bit vista, 8GB ram. I scan LF film, so these large files can use the ram. Steve
Bible-bashing yanks are not everybody's cup of tea, so lets keep it on-topic please. Steve
It might be the best, but it is not freeware. Steve
Unfortunatley, not always true. Virus, spyware, etc.,..... Have a look at videohelp.com, I have found lots of useful utils from there. With reviews and how to use them. Highly recommended. Steve
Igor, That one is fine. Colours are unchanged adter exiting. Steve
I have just run the examle show, and although it ran very well indeed, when the show finished, it left the colour balance on the screen wrong. The colours are very blue, and the only way I have so far figured to get it back is to reboot. I use Optical to adjust my monitor, and have a Radeon 9800 Pro woth 256MB. Steve PS I have now also run the flowers example, and this one did not mess up the colours.
I can think of many reasons. And as there is such an easy workaround, I would not expect to see this changed soon. Steve
There are a number of image management solutions available, and tey an easily rtepay their cost within a short time. However, some structure is still required, but provided you have such a structure, they work very well. I don't buy into renaming files with titles. The main reason releates to basiic database theory. To find a file, te filename is the key, and once a key is assigned, it should not change, and it should be unique. Once you have this key, then you can assign data to this key via the database. You can add a title, group hem in to categories, etc, and then all this data is searchable. I use IMatch, but any database, even one using e.g. MS Access, can provide most of this basic functionality. Steve