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  1. Thanks for that - good tip.
  2. Hi. Not so much a bug but a minor nuisance. When I update an audio clip - perhaps add or remove a word or two - and resave with the same name, the waveform in the timeline is not refreshed - you can't see the new longer end. The length of the clip is preserved ... even though that might now be a problem - that's probably correct behaviour. The wave is refreshed when I reopen the project, of course.
  3. Perfect now - many thanks for the prompt fix.
  4. Thanks for prompt response Igor. See attached jpgs and my test PTE file. How can I send you the actual exe? I tried on a Windows 10 different PC with same result. Exe was generated on Windows 10 22H2. (Loaded yesterday's PTE11 project into PTE10.5 and centring as expected. Backwards compatibility is brilliant!) TestText.pte
  5. Same offset if animation is turned off and at 4K or HD.
  6. Recently upgraded to PTE AV Studio 11 Pro (11.0.4). Animated text is offset to the right by a noticeable amount (4%-ish) when rendered in EXE - previews in O&A, Preview and rendered as MP4 are OK. Tried different fonts including Arial - same issue.
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