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  1. Now created the MP4 with 30Mp and hardware acceleration off, and the result is smooth indeed. Thanks a lot! (While publicing a project or while showing/evaluating I have always the laptop plugged in.)
  2. In a project in which I use a 3D transition for image changes, this transition is displayed stuttering in an MP4 file that was created with the standard output settings. (1920x1080 – high quality – 60p – hardware acceleration on). The MP4 file is integrated into a larger project with multiple MP4 videos and is projected in evaluation mode. But even in separate projection with VLC player, the 3D transitions are displayed in a trembling manner. Laptop specifications used: Acer Predator Helios 16 Windows 11 Home Intel Core i9-13900HX processor Tetracosa 24 Core 2.20 GHz 32GB DDR5 SDRAM 1TB SSD NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 with 8 GB dedicated VRAM The graphic display settings for PTE and PTEViewer whether or not requiring the use of the NVIDIA card do not produce a noticeable difference. When I play everything with my older Acer with Core i7 processor, the image transition is quite smooth.
  3. Congratualions! I tested the new version with Intel Graphics. Memory usage stays around 750MB and there is no freezing. The whole production is going well in play mode and evaluation mode. Thanks a lot.
  4. This driver is already installed: NVIDIA Geforce RTX 4070 Laptop GPU 12/03/2024 - version
  5. I tried to upload a small test project with 3 MP4 files but the total size exceed the max. alowed size. However, the memory use is going up during each MP4, going down in the beginning of the folowing MP4, and reaches 10146 Mb on the largest MP4. Duration of the 3 MP4's : 24" + 49" + 1.26". And no, I did not play on battery mode. I suppose the NVIDIA card automaticaly being used if the software makes it possible. I don't know how to set up the laptop to make sure the GPU is used for PTE or wich program whatsoever.
  6. Hello, Model name of my new laptop: Acer Predator Helios 16 (Predator PH16-71) The NVIDIA graphics driver is the most recent version. Playing the project in preview mode on the new laptop memory use is going permanently up and the preview freezes with PTE memory use of 16210,4 Mb! On the old laptop the PTE memory use stays permanently under 500 Mb, and the use at the same picture where the project freezes on the new laptop is the memory use on the old laptop 486,7 Mb (and the preview keep running). I wil come back to you later after creating the simple test project with the new laptop.
  7. I created a project in PTE AV Studio 11 on a slightly older laptop. It is a large project in which 7 HD MP4 videos were successively processed, which were also created with PTE AV Studio 11. Due to its size, the intention is for this project to be shown in evaluation mode. I now have a new laptop, but when I show that project in evaluation mode, the image freezes in various places while the music continues, and I get vibrations in the image in some places. The laptop with which the project was created has the following features: Windows 11 Home Acer Aspire 7 A715-72G-76UK Intel Core i7 - 8750 H 2.2GHz - 32 GB DDR4 NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1050Ti with 4GB dedicated VRAM 8TB SSD The new laptop on which the problems occur has the following characteristics: Windows 11 Home Intel® Core™ i9-13900HX processor Tetracosa core (24 Core™) 2.20 GHz 32GB, DDR5 SDRAM 1TB SSD NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 4070 with 8 GB dedicated VRAM
  8. Link to exe file "Kleurloos bekeken": https://we.tl/t-vLzXopDoMi
  9. EXE file is 85375 Kb too large to attacht.
  10. Some more information: the project with the faltering images was made by a club collegue. My job was to incorporate his project "Colourless" in a great project with 9 PTE MP4 shows. The complete project was published in a large EXE and was presented with a very good and recent beamer. Though the "Colourless" showwas incorporated as a MP4 file, the presentation of it was very faltering. Also his EXE version apart was very faltering, while his MP4 version apart was not, and both presented with the same PC and beamer. As I don't know with which hardware my collegue made the project, I can't give more information on that. I only saw he often used the styles Border pan left or right.
  11. Slow moving pictures from left to right give very faltering images in the exported to exe file. There is no such problem with the HD MP4. How can I solve this problem, or is this a known problem in PTE AV Studio Pro 11 ?
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