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  1. My Laptop has a i7/6700 processor , 16GB, a 2TB SSD and this Nvidia m1000, and that is not enough? And it is only the miniplayer. Fullscreen is everytime OK.
  2. What I do not understand is, the fullscreen-play is everytime OK, it's only the small viewer that has the problem.
  3. OK I did send You the files via wetransfer, but You did not seem to get them? I have a Nvidia m1000 in an Lenovo p50
  4. Thank You that helps
  5. Sorry no change. Could You just give me the email-address to send with wetrans?
  6. I click on Igor and then 'message' and get 'You are only allowed to send 0 messages per day. Please try again later.'
  7. There are two icons (one at the bottom of the window, one at the bottom of the mini-screen) and the possibility to right-klick or double click. What are the differences?
  8. I'm not allowed to send You a message, where should I send the file to?
  9. It should but it does not. When I start it from the slide-view. From timeline-view or in full-screen-mode it's ok
  10. They are all three very small full-HD videos
  11. Is it possible, that I have to click once on the full-screen-icon under the mini-player-window before it can bei activated?
  12. Ist there a way to have the Preview-Screen all the time on a second screen? When I have the timeline bigger to show all audio-tracks the preview-screen will become very small.
  13. In preview in fullscreen it's ok, only in the small window version it's horrible. What's an auto transition?
  14. Thank You! I only saw this 'fullscreen' icon just under the preview window, it seems to do a similar thing.
  15. Sorry it seems to be right-click into the small screen.
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