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  1. thanks, then I'll have to live with it.
  2. Hello, I can hear the fade-out! But there is no audible fade-in, the music starts with normal volume at the first beat, or?
  3. https://we.tl/t-19nik61L5x fade-out ok, fade-in not!
  4. Hello, yes, I adjusted for fade-in, but it is not working. Same happens if I select the second audio file, adjust there for fade-in, but nothing!
  5. Hello, sorry for the unprecise wording! Yes, I'm using the Studio version. Here are my settings:
  6. Hello, I'm using 11.0.6 (64 bit) in the home version on a Win 10 PC. Everything seems to work fine except the fade in/fade out of music (mp3 files). I tried several files, but nothing happens. Music starts with full volume and stopps with full volume too! What can I do to get it working??
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