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Brian Nicholson

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Everything posted by Brian Nicholson

  1. That's fantastic Barry , cheers
  2. Thanks a lot Barry I really appreciate it.
  3. Thanks a lot
  4. Hi Jill, Thank you for your reply.....I am using the images and text I used to explain the photography tour I was on with Colin Prior and shared on my Facebook page , so I have all the material.
  5. Hi everyone, I am about to create my first AV with running commentary throughout the presentation, It's for presenting to my camera club. I was wondering if it's best to record the commentary in stages as It's based on a 5 day photography tour, and once I have all the files for the commentary then add the images to compliment the commentary. If anyone has a better suggestion I would welcome any feedback. Thanks in advance. Brian.
  6. Yeah I was considering it in time ....just starting out and having a few troubles but will soon get there...cheers
  7. Ahh I see , I bought the basic package, it was on the free trial so just presumed it would be on that...cheers for that
  8. Hi, I have now purchased the software and trying to create a new project, when I drop the mp3 file in the timeline I cannot put the blue points on the wavelengths ?
  9. Ahh I see...got a longer one from the youtube link...
  10. I did download a loop one but won't do it on playback....?
  11. If my AV is longer than the tracks here is there any way to extend the mp3 duration.
  12. Hi Eric, I am a new here and about to start to create some AV content, thank you so much for creating these tracks and I will credit yourself at the end of any presentations I create.
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