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  1. Woo hoo! I had the same problem, I searched for panorama and here is the answer - thanks Dave
  2. There is a section in the Forum headed AV Events and Festivals, last posting was Dec 2021. The RPS has an Interactive map which shows that the two nearest Clubs to me ( In Nottingham) are in Sheffield and Leicester. I haven't been to the photography show for a few years, but from memory videography rather than slideshow creation was represented. (Presumably driven by camera manufacturers wanting to sell equipment). Are there any events or organisation I can join that promote or have as their primary purpose AV creation? I investigated the Sheffield connection and it is a subset of their camera club, which wraps up from now until September, as is the practice of many clubs in the UK. The group's founder is no longer with us and the page of the main camera club's website informs us that they meet at members home and it is prerequisite to be a main club member. It is looking to me that AV is an extremely niche hobby! Ray Andrews
  3. Thanks to you both, I've been at this for 10 hrs and am throwing in the towel for today. I will crack on bright eyed and bushy tailed tomorrow. My name is Ray, RCRA are my initials . Jill - "Ok to do this is easy" - closest emoji I could find to a wry look of puzzlement! Dave - "that other Slide Show software" - I haven't used any other software apart from Pro show producer, which I bought, used once and abandoned as it was pre-retirement. Not sure where "placeholder" even came from, but it seemed like the right word to help explain my aim. I look forward to following up on both your answers tomorrow - thanks again Ray PS: just thought of another related question, but I believe it would be better put in the general forum so as to keep this thread from widening
  4. "I know it is difficult to ask the right questions as at this stage you don't know, what you don't know!" - Too right! as Donald Rumsfeld said there are Known Unknowns as well as Unknown unknowns! OK so what I am presently trying to do is to show the same image twice or maybe three times slightly rotated, on a slide that has a fairly nondescript background. The idea is shown in this YT clip (which just showcases the technique but is not a tutorial that shows how it is done) . When I first came to this about a month ago I watched a dozen or so of Barry's excellent videos. In one I'm sure he demonstrated how you have one image file but copy and place it several times within one slide (in effect if I understand it of just having a layout in the program that uses the same image file in more than one placeholder position). Would you be so kind as to tell me what this technique is called so I can try to find it in the online help? I have searched back through my history, but try as I might, without settling down to severaI hours of re-watching I cannot locate the one I need and hoped I'd be able to create the effect from the online help thank you
  5. OK, after a month in which my NAS drive with 65,000 images died and had to be replaced, I'm back on the case. As a camera club member I have been used to cropping images during post processing to any size that removes distracting elements and helps simplify the composition concentrating the attention to what I am trying to show the viewer. We run 5 print competitions per annum, so apertures in the mount can be cut to suit any aspect ratio that I end up with. My first take away is that I will bear in mind the 16:9 aspect ratio and where possible produce a virtual copy in LR that is more slideshow friendly! I am currently exploring what the various options look like and adding them all into a slideshow so that I can compare them and try to understand what works and what doesn't. When cropping an image that was intended to be viewed in a 9:16 aspect ratio you get something entirely different if cropped to 16:9. I am exporting the slides and pasting them into an annotated document so that I can refer back to this process and the various options, in the future, hopefully at some point I will become familiar enough to just intuitively know without having to check my notes. (It's taken me 5 years to understand the basics of LR & PS already). I am also at the point where not knowing the terminology means I struggle to search for the help I am seeking. For example I have seen a Barry Beckham video in which he adds the same portrait image of a dog rotated and overlaid to fill the frame, but not knowing what the technique is called means I cannot find it again. Barry's website is full of valuable links, but at the moment they are inaccessible due to me not knowing what I should be looking for or where. I have to say that I had almost the same problem with LR & PS albeit using the Adobe classroom in a book indexes). Even when using the search term Ken Burns with the "PTE AV Studio 11" folder highlighted in Yellow, yielded "No results". I must be getting something wrong somewhere My question is: Is there an index somewhere that can assist me to locate the help files and videos that will get me moving on my journey?
  6. I am a complete novice when it comes to AV, and want to put together a couple of hundred images including a mixture of 6 shot panoramas, landscape, portrait and square format shots together with map screenshots and slides with information about the subjects. After watching a number of Barry's excellent videos, I purchased the software and created a simple mp4 file and realised the error of my ways! AI does not resize non 16 x 9 images and a lot more user input will be required from me . I have searched the forum with the term "beginner" and browsed Barry's You tube playlists but have not been able to find a step by step guide to getting started, which is what I probably need to do. Can anyone point me in the right direction or suggest a book which would guide me? I would eventually like to add audio, but just getting the visuals would be a start.
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