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Everything posted by tonyb

  1. I have managed to figure out how to achieve the effect I was after. Not certain if it's the correct way of doing it but it works
  2. I am very new to PTE AV, only a few days I have purchased. I have an urgent problem, I am trying to produce a slide show for a family members funeral that will take place next week. The daughter of the deceased has asked if I can make a slide show similar to the one in the link below, with a moving background and text fading in and out at different times as in the video. I have been looking at various tutorial videos but cannot find one that will assist me in creating the same. Can anyone please suggest tutorial/s video/s that will help me achieve what's shown in the YouTube video. Many thanks
  3. Igor, You are absolutely correct I was in "Time Line mode", Switching to "Slides Mode" did allow me to insert a blank slide in the correct location. I had been struggling to figure out why it was not working Thank you for your help.
  4. I have tried several times to insert a blank slide in front of the first image slide, but it keeps inserting after the first image. Where am I going wrong? using iMAC
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