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Janet Wright

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  1. Thank you again I have watched the videos several times and learnt a lot from them except want I really needed to know. you have explained it really well and I am now getting the hang of it. Just a case of practising a lot. Thank you again everyone for your kind help.
  2. Hi I`m still struggling with both the suggestions. I`m very new to this format as I used Pro show before which was much easier to time the text. I don`t know were to look for most of the things you suggest. No idea where the fade in /fade out is as the one I`ve found alters the image even though I have the hi lighted the text. I want the text to appear when the whole image is on the screen after the fade and go off about half way through the image time depending on the length of the caption. Sorry to be a nuisance.
  3. Thank you very much, I`ll give it a try, makes sense.
  4. I am wanting to put captions on slides(images) but I don`t want them on for the full length of the image eg Image 8 seconds caption 4 seconds is this possible. If so how is it achieved. Thank you
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