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  1. So firstly thanks for all your help. I got it to work but still do not understand the issue. i saved the presentation with following 2 settings; 0 seconds to next slide next slide by pressing key on keyboard saved preso; doesn’t show but runs somewhere in background. than I decided to 10 minutes to next slide ndxt slide by pressing key on keyboard Guess what? It works! Thanks again but still don’t understand what I do wrong with option 1! Any ideas? Rene
  2. Thanjs for the reply. The preso is 312mb. Waited for a few minutes : didn’t run, again made a very short preso with a few images: runs fine. I’m done with this as I simply don’t have the knowledge and been spending most of the day on this…very frustrating.I’m hoping to find someone who can convert it for me.
  3. Yes it runs fine in preview as well as the clips. i have saved it now as an exe file on a USB stick and see if i can run it off another windows laptop from a neighbour. thanks for your reply …if it doesn’t work I will see if i can get in touch with someone in U.K. (perhaps through this forum) who can perhaps convert it for me to pix to exe rene
  4. Jill thanks ever so much for the quick reply. I did publish as exe file. If I double click on the exe file it simply doesn't open. One thing that comes to mind is that there are a few small video clips in the presentation taken with an iPhone, so they are .mov files.....could it that they don't run on a windows machine? Do they need converting? Thanks very much Rene
  5. Hi I am not very computer literate and hoping there is someone in the United Kingdom that could help me. I have the latest version of PictoExe and I am due to give a test presentation about my nature photography work to a group of people. When I load the 155 images in Pic to Exe, I select 0 seconds and next slide on keyboard click (really nothing fancy), I save the project for PC but when I double click on the project to run it nothing happens. If I want to delete the created project, the laptop tells me that the project is running and can't be deleted! I created another small presentation of 8 slides and that runs just fine. I am getting a bit desperate as I need to get this going . Anyone there that can help me? Thanks very much Rene
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