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richard III

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  1. Thanks everyone with my rotation problem. Jienense's solution was just what i was trying to achieve. I did come up with another solution myself which involved using a frame with the two images as children which worked well but which was a tiny bit more involved than Jiense's method and took me all night to come up with. This is all new to me and was supposed to be my relaxing retirement thing, I lost a whole nights sleep trying to find the solution to my problem hopefully i will get some sleep tonight. thanks again everyone that chipped in. Sorry i didnt respond earlier but was limited to 4 posts in a single day.
  2. thanks for your answer Jill but that does not work either. what i am trying to do is have what looks like a postcard rotate through 180 degrees to show the first side and then the second side. This takes place at a reduced zoom of 60% in the corner of the screen. i cannot get the first image to dissapear at the exact time the second image appears
  3. thanks for answering Jean-Cyprien but it is not the answer im afraid. what i want to do is rotatate an image that has been panned so it is no longer in the centre of the screen, as it goes over 90 degrees i want another image to appear as if on the reverse side as if you are rotating a double sided postcard. it is very easy to do if images are in the centre of the screen but not when off centre.
  4. hi, i am completely new to pte av and also forums but here goes in the hope of a solution. my question is this...... how do i rotate an image that is not in the centre of the screen to 90 degrees so that it is not visible. if the image is in the centre of the screen i dont have a problem, i can rotate it to 90 degrees an it dissapears without any problem. however when i move the image from the centre it begins to appear again. very frustrating, someone please help.
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