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Everything posted by piergiorgio

  1. hi, I did some tests, for me the hardware acceleration problem has been solved. Thanks for the work done
  2. Fantastic, well done !
  3. hi, I downloaded the indicated version but the videos created on my mac have the same problem. I hope you make it
  4. Totally agree, if you could still use "hardware accelerator" it would be great. On the test video I saved 1 minute but on long videos not having it would become frustrating. I'm waiting for a possible solution but in the meantime I'm already very happy.
  5. HI, congratulations ! you found the problem, the video with the "Hardware acceleration" option deselected has no problems and is smooth, the other option confirms the problem. I also tried saving on synology and apple 4ktv and not using hardware acceleration, works fine. I've never had this problem before, what do you think happened.... Os sequoia maybe? If necessary I could downgrade. Anyway, thank you, now I can have fun again.
  6. Hi, I did some tests with Ken Burns saving some photos on the Macbook's HD but I didn't solve the problem. Opening with quicktime player I see the problem, 4k and 1080 files. Maybe I'm drowning in a glass of water. I'll try to upload a low resolution file for you to see. In 4k the problem is the same but less evident. test 4.mp4
  7. Hi, I use a MacBook M1 Pro and I create 4K 30fps MP4 video files, I save them on Synology NAS and watch with Apple TV 4K on my TV at home. I have a collection of holiday videos and up until October when I finished the August 2024 holiday video I had no problems. A few days ago I updated Sequoia and found that in videos with moving photos zooming in and out is not fluid but jerky, it hesitates. Thinking it was caused by sequoia, installed a few days ago, I uninstalled pte av studio and reinstalled it again, tried a new video but the problem remained. I haven't changed my workflow or settings and I don't know how to fix it. thank you for your attention
  8. Hello everyone, I updated to Sequoia but the rendered videos are not smooth but a little jerky. Never had this problem, reinstalled latest version but nothing. I'm wondering if anyone has this problem.
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