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Everything posted by jeanie
Thanks Bert Thats an idea. Jeanie
To Contaxman Thanks for your offer of CD containing PTE shows. I don't know how to e-mail you. I looked on the members list but your e-mail address is not there. I would be glad to reimburse you for post and CD. Thanks Jeanie.
Hello everyone I would love to view more of the presentations over on the Beechbrook Cottage site but the download times appear so long. Eg. the Signs of Old would take my PC 1 hour 20 min. My telephone then would be out of action and sometimes my service provider Freeserve cuts me off and I have to keep checking.I don't think I can afford Broadband. I don't suppose there is any other way of seeing these? It's a pity someone couldn't put all the best AVs onto a CD and offer them for sale quite cheaply. By the way What does the download count mean? Is it an indication of time taken to download? jeanie
mhwarner B Beckham gives a video tutorial on creating a DVD from your PTE show on his Tips,Tricks, techniques and fun stuff video. Avalable on his web- site This goes through the process in detail. jeanie.
hello Mike I'm new also but I think you will find the Time Line as follows. Go into Project Options/Main Tab/tick the synchronize to music duration button and then Custom Synchronization. This should get you there. I'm sure someone else will tell you if I'm wrong. jeanie
Hello all I have just updated my PTE 4.3 but this maybe nothing to do with my difficulty as I am new to this software . When I have opened PTE I go to file and open a picture file from my hard drive. The file appears to have nothing in it although I know it has. I have resized an image and saved it as a jpeg and put it there. The file format says pte files and this is the only choice there. I'm sure I'm doing something basically simple but I don't know whAT. help PLEASE. JEANIE.
Well I'm glad you asked this question dagrace, I just downloaded the new version without thinking and it has converted my 4.2 to the 4.3. At the moment I seem to have difficulty bringing image files in. : Am I doing something wrong? Should you re- register? I wish I'd read this forum first. It would seem a good idea to have instructions to follow when updating versions. As you said maybe there is somewhere? jeanie
Well thank you everyone! That was my problem quickly sorted.I didn't look closely at the other options in the drop down of the Actions palette. Yes there was the restore actions. They are all nicely back! I have watched Barry's tutorials with actions and he does seem to speed up his work flow with them. It just needs a little thought when you are beginning. To think about the order of doing things to your images. Whether this be what kind of frame?, and this maybe depending on the background colour, as well as the resizing and alterations to colour and adjustments and filters. That's why I said it must take alot of planning to know what your going to do to each image before you Save. Yes saving as a Photoshop file is an option. I suppose its practice,practice, practice till one finds ones own way of working. Thanks again jeanie.
Hello all I have been following B Beckhams tutorials on improving workflow on digital images in Photoshop with the use of Actions. He suggests using an action to resize images and perhaps put this on to a function key, say F2. One of his suggestions is to clear photoshop's preset actions before you start 'to clear the decks' as it where. Easy to bring them back he said. My 1st question is How do you do that? Mine have now disappeared from Photoshop's files. I went to program files- Adobe- Photoshop 7- presets- photoshop actions. Now there's nothing there. My second question is 'If I set a different function keys to do different functions like this ie F2 to resize and save, F3 to put a stroke around the image, then each time the image is saved again I will lose quality. I t seems like I must plan everything I need to do to an image from the beginning or save as a photoshop file to begin with until I'm sure I've finished. I'm still here and regularly read the forum even those I don't always comment. It's often quite interesting to see what others are struggling with. So thanks to all, Hope you can help Jeanie
hello and thanks that saves me money.What a good lot you are and thanks Alan for the suggested sound for my Time For A Brew. I like the Traffic sound idea. Next question now I've downloaded Audacity. Is there a good user manual to go with it. I've seen the basic guide but doesn't help much. Like the generate silence is set for 30secs. So what if you want start the show with 5 secs. silence? Where is the fade in and fade out? I've not played too much yet but a good tutorial somewhere would be useful. jeanie.
Hello all I am considering buying software to edit sound for P2X. I know B Beckham suggests Adobe Audition. Is this the one to get? I already have Adobe Premiere 6 (a Video editing software) would this do the job? Thanks jeanie
Hi, I'm only a newbie but I did have a horrible Trojn Horse, I think you call it, last week, which attached itself to my screen desk top. It suggested I might need to clean my computer of pornographic or peadophilia, (don't know how to spell it)as it would alway be hidden in my computer no matter what I did. If I'd been a man I might have been more frightened at what someone was suggesting. I was pretty cross all the same. A friend helped me and we used Spybot (a free download) and cleared alot of nasties from my computer. When we'd finished the nasty was still on the screen, so we went to the Display Menu. Nothing there to see, only showing my nice screen saver.But when we looked under the web tab there it still was. This we unchecked and deleted. This did the trick. These nasties I've never had before until I came interested in AVs and visited in these and linked sites. I've visited Minolta and Canon forums but no one has mentioned these kind of problems before. Since visiting here lots of members have mentioned it. Could it be anything to do with downloading for long periods. Seems strange don't you think. But what do I Know. I write this just in case someone gets similar. jeanie
hello all, thanks for your replies and all help offered. I looked at the music sites suggested. What a good idea! I like the ones that allow you to listen to a snippit. I still think one of best things about photography is that it makes you look at the world differently. You look at details you never noticed before. The sky and the landscape become more beautiful than before. I'm looking at the light all the time. And you see things. I am beginning to think that taking the step into AV. is going to make me listen to music differently too. A deeper appreciation I think. When I heard B Beckham's theme from the Hovis advert.( can't remember it's proper title off hand) put to his Black Country I thought wow! From what I've seen so far the pictures are added to by the addition of music. But I think also the images give something to the music. By the way My Time For A Brew images are about tea/coffee drinking.I have a whole collection of candid shots of people out and about having a cuppa. In the car, Biker's breakfast stops, cafes, Out hiking, farmer's auctions, student canteens, by the roadside, Morecambe prom. etc. Thanks again in anticipation, jeanie
hello all thanks for your comments. I think I do realize that the music you use for a piece can make it or break it. Hence the reason for the question. I know I have a set of images which I recently put together for an exhibition for my college course.They are candid pictures about people stopping for a brew. I thought I might try and have a go with my newly downloaded version of PTE and have a play around. Best way to learn don't you think? Now I've got to think of a piece of music to go with it. What I really wanted to know was any experiences you have had in coming upon that right piece? Was it sudden inspiration? Where you listening to the radio? Lying on the beach? Going through all your music CDs? . Did you keep trying different tracks till you found one that fitted? Or any other novel way? thanks in anticipation jeanie.
Hello all As a newbie to the audio visual idea and having seen a few shows I am completely impressed by choice of music. Barry's choice for his Black Country, Australia, and the Balloons come to mind. In the creation of a audio visual I wonder at what stage people come upon their music choice. Is it sudden inspiration? is it a piece of favourite music they have always had waiting to find a home for ? And then I suppose there's the difficulty of making the slides come in unison or in with the feel of the music. Is it alot of trial and error and trying lots of different tracks till one fits? I am most interested to know members experiences for coming upon just that right music for their piece. thanks in anticipation Jeanie.
I've just had to clean my computer to get rid of a nasty Trojan Horse. I was advised to use Spybot a freebie which did the trick and should protect in future. jeanie
dear all, thanks for all your replies and encouragement. I,ve tried your recommended websites and found them really useful. I did buy Barry's Introduction to Digital Audio Visual and found it absolutely packed with information and beatifully made demos. I haven't located his extra goodie bag on the CD yet. I wonder whether he's removed it. The Audio Visual Mag looks interesting.Does anyone subscibe? thanks again Jeanie.
I am interested in starting some work using Pictures to Exe which I first saw demonstrated in Digital Photo Magazine. I think I should like to purchase some of the tutorial CDs but wonder which is best to start with. I already have the tutorial given with the Feb.2004 mag. Does the starter tutorial you give simply recap this? I do know how to size images and a little Photoshop Knowledge. I would be pleased to have any hints on getting started. I am a mature student doing a photography and video degree at the Bolton Institute in Lancashire. I thought this might be a good project and a possibility for future wedding work This forum seems like an added bonus! Thanks in anticipation. jean. --------------------------------------------------- Please note that Digital Imaging has no control over the contents of this message. ------------------------------------------------