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Everything posted by Woolie161

  1. Thank you again Jill, for your assistance. Also thank you to Jienense for the download. I am away from my desktop computer, so I will try you file tonight. I appreciate both of you taking time to reply and offer solutions. Woolie
  2. Thanks Jill, for the quick reply and the information. Sorry to ask a silly question. Thanks again, I appreciate your reply. Woolie
  3. Hi everybody, I have searched in many places trying to find an answer to my question with no success. Is it possible to invert a symbol (found under the Text icon) so the inside is transparent and the outside is solid? I am trying to use the "Heart" symbol found in the Text / Symbol section. If the inside of the Heart is transparent, then I can start with the heart symbol zoomed in so the complete picture can be seen underneath. After a set time, I will "Zoom out" on the heart, so the heart shape will shrink to nothing while showing the persons face under the heart. eventually, it will end with a blank screen. I have experimented with masks over the image and also tried creating a transition with no success. If someone could share an example or notes on inverting the solid fill of a symbol, that would be great. Thank you Woolie
  4. Hi Team, I'm a newbie to PTE-AV, having migrated from Proshow Producer. One feature I would like to suggest it to have a visual indication of which images have been used in the slide show. When creating my show, I place all the photos in a folder within the show folder. When using PTE-AV, I simply open the picture folder for that show and drag them in. Having numerous images, that I shuffle around as I'm previewing the show, I find it difficult to remember which images have been used, especially after taking a break. Thank you for a great product. Woolie
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