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Everything posted by Trevor

  1. Thank You digartal, so its back to the grindstone now I know what to look for, Thank you for your quick reply and help regards Trevor
  2. you can never have to much Help, Thank You Jill
  3. This is one of the most helpful forums I have ever been in, Thank You for your Help, I can now progress ( at a slow speed) with my project regards Trevor
  4. Thank you mark, you have put on the right track for what i am trying to do, Thanks Trevor regards Trevor
  5. Question 1: Is it possible to remove the fade in and fade out from a slide so it has no transitions at all? Question 2: can the rotation point be moved, I want to rotate a slide from the Right hand edge as a page in a book would, I just can't work out how it can be done? Thanks for any and ALL help, Regards Trevor
  6. I apparently sent my thank you not to the wrong person, so, thank you very much for your help, these modifiers can be a bit of a .......... I am learning somethin new each time I run PTE AV Studio, but its going to be a long haul, Thanks once again Regards Trevor
  7. Hi Digartal, after an hour or so i figured out that was exactly what I had done, DUH, in the transition selection area there is a transition named page it opens the picture from right to left, is it possible to create a complimentary transition closing the picture from left to right? i only asking if it can be done, if it can be, guess what my next task will be. regards Trevor
  8. Hi SeismicGuy, Thank you so much, it works perfectly, although I don't truly understand how it works, and I am still none the wiser why it didn't work before, but I have it working now. The download and installation worked perfectly. I was much more used to using After Effects and could have done this in no time, sadly I no longer have access to that program, so once again Thank you, you are now at the top of my Christmas Card List. regards Trevor
  9. I am a newbie, I;m trying to bring a Picture onto screen, have it pause for 6 seconds and then leave the screen in the same direction it entered, my problem is making it remain still for the 6 seconds, I thin this must be simple problem but i'm unable to see where I'm going wrong,ANY help would be a help I'm using PTE AV Studio 11 Pro
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