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Everything posted by Bethan

  1. Happy Birthday Ron!!!!!!!! You have been an active and informative member of this forum for longer than I have been here so have a wonderful day today! Beth
  2. Lin said that: In some instances physical location may be important if, for example, you need to access your web hosts support service. If I am in the UK and my web host is on, for instance, Pacific Standard Time, then I can only access their support at certain times of day that are not always convenient. Also, where there are time differences like this then the web server hosting your web site may in fact be running back-up or maintenance routines at a time you want your web site to be running at it's fastest. I've encountered these issues a number of times now. Hopes that useful. Beth
  3. Ran 10 times, no leaks or alerts. Smooth display. Ran on second computer : 3.07 gigahertz Intel Pentium 4 Board: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. 8I848P-G 1024 Megabytes Installed Memory RADEON 9500 [Display adapter] RADEON 9500 - Secondary [Display adapter] Best wishes, Beth
  4. Bethan

    forum AV

    Hi again, Ken wrote : While respecting Ken's comments I would wish to disagree here. Yes 'Peace', as a concept, is a powerful one that has some meaning in everyone's life. That there are just 27 images uploaded suggests, though, that there is a creative or 'other' block preventing people from contributing. In reality 'peace' can be an elusive entity (think of the Middle East). A project such as this one will likely experience some of the same conflicts of understanding. I have to say I am a little cautious with regard to 'chocolate box landscapes' adequately depicting 'peace' as either a process or a goal. Peace, like war, can be a messy business. If people choose to label requests for clarity as "I want but I dont want to give" then we begin to see how easily conflict evolves? With such an emotional subject people will of course seek clarity - which in itself is actually showing a willingness to get involved! Beth
  5. Bethan

    forum AV

    To Dave and all those who have contributed efforts toward this project... At various times in my life I have been involved in project management. I agree that here there does seem to be a little confusion with regard to the aims of the project - the concept of 'peace' is huge, and actually quite hard to define (it means many things to many people, and perhaps not all can sit easily together). My hope would be that someone first takes up the role of 'producer', with a part of their role being to define the parameters of the project as understood by the 'producer' themselves. For myself, I would admit to feeling hesitant in contributing images to a project that has 'no face' as such. I did this once, for another project (not here), and was very disappointed (actually angry) at how my images were used. I am sure this would not be the case here, but I would suggest that without a producer there is actually no project. My own time commitments prevent me from offering 'production' time, but I would certainly contribute as and when there was a visible production ethos. Finally, I guess... experience would suggest that timescales for such projects nearly always work out to be longer than initially thought. Many projects that are slow to begin with do 'fire- up' a little further down the line - in this case, perhaps, when a producer steps forward? So don't lose heart. Anyway, just my thoughts... Beth
  6. Hi Ronnie Sorry to have been so slow to reply to this - had a nasty cold for the last couple of days! I don't think that the issue of quality (flash versus exe) was really being raised here. Rather it was an issue, perhaps, of PTE including some form of flash export as convenience for those wishing to present their work/images/show examples on a website. PTE already does the core of the work with regard to the creation of a show, and what has been raised here is more to do with the end formats available to the user. Once, the 'exe file' was more a solution to the fact that narrow band internet was simply unable to 'display' shows of any quality at all due to the need for huge compression. As a creative media form Flash has come more into it's own as a 'format'. In many cases the quality is very good though may lack the 'punch' and depth of an exe show. However, many users producing PTE shows, and who have websites too, may appreciate an option allowing them to provide a 'preview trailer' (at least) in Flash format rather than have viewers download a rather large exe simply to find it was not what they thought? For me these are just ideas, keeping an open mind I guess about what might be useful or possible for future developments of PTE - after the next huge update for which most of us, I am sure, are very excited. Beth
  7. This sounds interesting, Lin! I'd be curious to know more about these other oprions. Beth
  8. Hi Lin Thanks for your reply, and the link to an earlier thread where I notice you advocate the use of Riva for flash creation. I think in this instance I (and I believe the initial poster) were asking about the value of having flash 'export' built in to PTE in some form, rather than having to transfer to a 3rd party program (extra expense, additional workflow). It may or may not be feasible for Igor at this stage (particularly as he is working hard on the architecture for the next release). For large flash projects I use Macromedia (now Adobe) Flash, but I would still find built-in flash export to be of great value - as would many who have asked about getting their shows on the web. It will be interesting, I imagine, to see what Adobe do with Flash (now that they have purchased Macromedia) - with their extra developmental and promotional power I could see Flash becoming even more commonplace than it is already! Just a few little thoughts... Beth
  9. Mandarinfish said : I think I'll chime also - and add my vote for full IPTC support! Now that would be yummy! Options for which IPTC fields to support even better!! Beth
  10. Hi Volker, I saw this post earlier on but didn't have time to reply... I think that displaying shows on the web has come up several times on the forum and is kind of related to this post. I agree that for those people involved in web design, or wanting to display their work on the web, Flash is such a versatile format. The size of some PTE shows may not easily translate into flash without serious compression but I wonder if PTE might have an option for converting a show into a basic flash output. I don't feel this is 'going away' from PTE's explicit function of creating 'slideshow presentations' - and would extend it's attraction to a good many people. I use PTE for many purposes and have often missed the ability to output in Flash - from within the program itself, therefore easing workflow. I wonder Igor how much work this would involve after the next major update is released? Would not be expecting any such update until the new version is up and running - you already have enough work to do! Beth
  11. Hi all In recent years I have seen more and more software companies opt for the 'one year licence' approach to selling their products. Effectively, you buy a piece of software and are entitled to support and updates for one year - and then purchase an upgrade or extend your licence for another year. I have always had some reservation about this approach - and have more than once experienced a program where no updates are actually issued within that year, and suddenly, upon expiration of the licence, a major update happens! And the reply from the developer is usually "oh we are very sorry but you'll have to purchase the upgrade" (again, and again). I could actually end up paying hundreds of dollars or pounds for a piece of software that cost say $30 to begin with. Of course the worst scenario is when you need to upgrade simply to access a code update that recognizes and works with a new operating system, or service pack update (e.g., MS Service Pack 2). This week alone I have had several emails from developers enticing me to renew (yet again) their software. Often I find myself bombarded with publicity and upgrade offers (Macromedia, ACDsee, Adobe etc etc). Software that began life as fairly priced utilities suddenly become monsters requiring a mortgage to finance. Having established themselves as leaders in their area and locked customers in they then feel free to abuse the relationship - often providing less than useful support in the process. And I realised that Igor/PTE would appear to be (in my software collection) the sole remaining provider of a lifetime licence. This is a remarkable thing in todays world of opportunist pricing policies and suspicious 'upgrade' offers. Currently we are waiting for the next wonderful version of PTE - in the knowledge that we will all have access to this major upgrade without needing to purchase a new licence. I would like to offer a personal thanks to Igor and PTE for continuing to work and develop his software in the way that he does - without trying to squeeze his customers dry. He is entitled to request licence renewals. He chooses not to. It's quite amazing really! Thank you Igor! Beth
  12. Hi Igor Yes, I was one of those people unable to post or reply - but, as you can see, that's fixed now. Many thanks! Beth
  13. Keep strong - wishing you a speedy and safe return home! Beth
  14. Just as an add-on from Brian's entry - most camera shops sell lens cleaning fluid which comprises Isopropyl Alcohol - though be aware it is an irritant and some people do react to it!
  15. 1280x1024 and 1024x768 (secondary monitor) Beth
  16. Hi LumenLux Thank you - yes, indeed, there was a little error there that you spotted. Should be all fixed now! Thanks too for your kind compliment. Beth
  17. Hello all Just a little offering of some Royalty Free Music here - some percussion grooves and loops available here!. I will be putting some more up soon. These are not ideally suited, I guess, to wedding presentations or nature shows - they are a little quirky (Afro-Cuban, Brazil-meets-London-via-Delhi)! Many are extracted from larger pieces but work well as funky little interludes or for shorter shows. They are free too! Just one thing - the page currently is only linked from here as I don't want to strain my server too much so I would ask that the link is not made available to anyone but PTE users. Hope someone finds a use for them! Beth UK
  18. Hi Bart I think the effect you are describing is not so much 'capturing' the desktop but fading from and to it. Project options -> Screen -> show first transition effect from desktop Hope that helps! Beth
  19. Hi all I get to wear many hats in my life and one of them has been as a studio percussionist. I have only just read this thread all the way through and, as it happens, I have been planning to release a series of world percussion tracks for use as audio backgrounds. The tracks will actually be programmed (it's hard getting a life-size African Djembe orchestra round my computer) but of very good quality. Music will include rhythms from Brazil, Central Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Most will be based on traditional rhythm patterns but with a contemporary feel. Downloadable quality will be a minimum of 128 that can be re-sampled if you require smaller size files. Music length will generally be about 4-5 mins each. Percussion music can cover many moods and emotions - uptempo and pulsing, to mysterious and exotic. I find that percussion soundtracks make superb audio backgrounds to more unusual shows requiring a different kind of impact. At this point in time I am making a few tweaks and adjustments to different arrangements. I am also wondering how much people might be willing to pay per track. If I was gorgeously wealthy I would give these away for free - but, I am not, so I am needing to make a little return on what will be high quality, royalty-free tracks. That said, I want to price realistically to put these within reach of most people. If anyone is interested, and would like to add their name to my list then I will contact people as soon as the tracks are finished - which won't be long. Drop me a PM for info, with suggestions, or feedback regarding 'pricing'. Beth
  20. Thanks Granot! You have been a busy person recently. I am sure people will find a use for this! Remember to take a break sometimes! Beth
  21. Hi Ron and Granot, I would like to add that I think the development of this utility has been wonderful - from idea to program in a very short time! In many ways, this kind of utility does go hand-in-hand with PTE and offers a range of useful secondary tools. But then, as you say, the new PhotoOrdering program also stands alone. Having emailed Granot (rather a lot) about the utility I have to say also how wonderful it is to find a program developer willing to make adjustments and add-in new features in response to requests from users. So many developers have forgotten to interact with program users. That is certainly not true of either PTE or Granot, with his amazing collection of utilities. Well done people - your hard work is appreciated!! It's important to remember that programmers and developers really do appreciate feedback, and that the more support is given, so the greater the motivation of the programmer to carry on developing. Maybe that is why Igor and Granot work so hard - because they know it is worth it! Beth
  22. Yes, I'll vote for that too!
  23. Hi Ron I am watching this space but I just seem to start seeing spots. Do you think I am doing something wrong? Beth
  24. Hi Granot I love the sound of this utility. Wondering if you could also offer the customer an option to print a basic contact sheet of selected pictures with file names etc - useful if talking to someone on the phone who is not at their computer? Just an idea... Can't wait to try this! Beth
  25. Hi Val Just hit the [Esc] key at any point in the preview and you'll go back to your main PTE program screen. It takes a little while to get to know PTE but it is worth it! For what it's worth, I have always found the synch feature in PTE wonderfully versatile and easy to use after a short learning curve. Beth
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