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Everything posted by Irishtony

  1. I fear you have the wrong program, Tony. Imgburn does allow DVD burning, even Blu-ray burning. Double-check you didn't accidentally get one of the 'parasite' (my word) programs that lurk on the Imgburn website. Colin, You were spot on, I dowloaded some other spurious program called "Imgburn". I subsequently downloaded the correct program and it's working perfectly. Well spotted Colin and again, many thanks. problem solved. Tony
  2. Image Burn isint free, it only allows to burn to CD's, its € 68.00 for the DVD version. Does anyone know of another Free ISO image burning software. Thanks Tony Dublin
  3. Colin, many thanks for your suggestion, I've just taken your advise and downloaded express Burn. I'll give it a try later today burning an ISO file, I presume I select VIDEO DVD im Imageburn as opposed to Data DVD. Thanks again, good suggestion. Tony, Dublin, Ireland.
  4. Thanks Xaver, I will try that but really I am happy with using an external burner. Tony. Dublin IRE.
  5. Upate on situation. I dug out an old Iomege DVD burner and tried P2E 5.6 and tried to burn a dvd, hey presto, it worked. Oviously the problem is my built-in DVD drives on both PC's. How strange. Thanks Yactsman. Tony
  6. Hi Yacthsman, Thank for that, but maybe I need to clarify, I've been using P2E for years, burning hundreds of DVD's as I am a wedding photographer. I know the program very well but for some reason, with version 5.5 and 5.6, it wont start to burn the disc, I get the error message that I've already attached. I've just tried to do a test project using 3 slides and again "Failed connection with burn.exe" I am having to use 5.0 at the moment until I can get an answer as to why 5.6 is causing me problem on 2 different machines. Yacthman, sorry to hear about your broken foot, my heart is broken with this problem. Cheers Tony.
  7. I am having terrible time trying to burn a dvd. I've no problem doing so using 5.0 but no joy with 5.5 or with 5.6. I was happy to stay with 5.0 but the new transitions in 5.6 really interest me so I'l like to get to the bottom of this problem. I have two PC's, one XP, the other Vista. It's the same on both machines, no problem burning a dvd with 5.0 but cant with 5.6 or 5.6. I notice that you cant change the burn speed in 5.6 but you can in 5.0. I'll attach the error message. Please offer suggestions.
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