Amazing images and beautifully put together I really like this show.
One small thing if you do some more on it could you leave the captions on screen a bit longer?
Really enjoyable and it has given me some ideas. I have nearly all of my family bw negatives going back to 1930's so maybe there will be something there that I can use when I get my scanner a new light source,
Hi Ian
Managed to download the Olympus Workspace and also got the latest update. A lot of reviews said it was terrible software and slow but as far as I'm concerned its pretty darned good.
Of course Adobe is better with much more ability to tweak. However The Olympus software makes it much easier to sort the Olympus images and preview them.
Thank you very much for letting me know about it.
Have just discovered yesterday that the latest Adobe 2022 Bridge and Camera Raw no longer provide a preview for the older Olympus Cameras. I just wish that I had never bought Olympus.
What I did ywsterday was to bring the images into Photoshop crop each one individullay and save as .psd but it takes a long time!
Also a lot of the latest Photo editors (for want of a better word) also do not offer support for the older Olympus either.
To Jill
I do use my images for other purposes than making PTE shows. I do prints on an Epson large format printer and I also enter as projected images in our local camera club.
Also I prefer the look of the 3 x 2 format the 4/3 reminds me too much of old television.
To all who have made suggestions thank you.
Yes I do have Photoshop 2022, I do appreciate that the upscaling can be done within PTE.
Howerver in addition to the images I mentioned I have serveral thousand more in Olympus 4/3 format which I wold like to convert to the same size as the ones from the Canon full frame.
Hi Jii
Thanks fot your reply, what I really want to do is upscale outside PTE because I do not necessarily want to use all the images I have of the Pinnacles