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Everything posted by landsberger

  1. Beautifully presented and very enjoyable, I think that the gentle pace of the show is perfect for your images. If you can lose the black borders at the beginning the show will be even better. Well done. john
  2. I have not heard of St Odile so this was interesting for me. I like the presentation and appreciate what you tried to convey with video clips but for me the quality was not good enough to blend with the still images. Also I would have liked to see more of the outside of the monastery when you reached the top! Please do accept that the above comments are meant to be helpful and not negative about your sequence. Regards John
  3. Very impressive and most enjoyable brings back memories of winter when growing up in the UK! Today here in Perth WA it hit 40 C, I wish it would snow. John
  4. Thanks to Tom's suggestion I managed to create a pdf using Acrobat. It turned out to be 101mb in size, next task is to check it against the web pages. John
  5. This may sound stupid so I apologize in advance. Is it possible to download the online help docs so that I can refer them offline? John
  6. Very clever indeed, may I suggest another version with a slide projector animation which would appropriate for sequences which use still images and not video. John
  7. Very good and enjoyable, for me the jury is out on the out of focus changes at the beginning but I could get used to them! I especially like the way you manage to incorporate the portrait format images definitely something I hadn't thought of doing. I'll have to give that a go. Congratulations on your first PTE show John
  8. Very nice images beautifully put together, however the reverb added is really distracting. It makes it sound as if you did the recording in the bathroom! John
  9. Very entertaining your gardening skills are far better than mine. A great variety of shots, just one thing for me the fades were a little too quick at times and I would have liked more time to appreciate your handiwork. If you make another version perhaps varying the fade rates could be advantageous. John
  10. Thanks I'll have to explore Max Richter's music. John
  11. What is the first piece of music in the show? It sets the mood perfectly. John
  12. Superb photography with great impression of drama coupled with an excellent soundtrack! John
  13. Very impressive and an unexpected poem which fits the images beautifully
  14. Beautifully presented and brings back memories of visits to Scotland. You asked for suggestions may I offer two: 1. There is a shot from a low angle looking up river to a white croft (the next image is of some deer) to me it appears that it needs straightening, the water in the middle of the shot seems to be tilted down to the left. 2. I found the sudden change from landscapes to a close-up of rock a bit abrupt maybe a bit of a longer dissolve could improve it. John
  15. Very well put together and paced with the music which I found really appropriate. I did not find the sequence to be long in fact it seemed to be over rather sooner than I expected. I have to agree that having a narration would detract from the message of the images and possibly colour the viewers impression and understanding. I am not at all surprised that previous versions have done well. I have seen other sequences on this subject and yours is by far the best. Regards John
  16. Regarding the flag obscuring some of the text, would it not be possible to move the flag higher up the screen instead of changing its size? Also the text at the top left at the very beginning I found the color a little weak, maybe a darker color to make it "stand out". Regards John
  17. My pleasure Andrew. I always tell people who are making an AV to walk away from it for about a week, then look at it again with fresh eyes. It's amazing what that break can do for the creative genius inside us. John
  18. Really liked your show very moving. May I make a couple of suggestions that I think would make it even better. 1. Near the beginning there is a shot (at 1.04) of the plaque and flags, I would suggest that it may be even more effective by swapping it with the ending shot of the (days) programme. For me it would set the scene by having the image of the programme at the beginning telling the viewer what is going to happen and leaving us with the plaque and flags as the final poignant fade out. 2. Have you considered centering the video on the screen instead of the bottom right corner? I feel that this would better hide the out of focus backgrounds. Regards John
  19. Very impressive, the client should be over the moon with what you have produced
  20. I already said in my earlier post 15 mins!
  21. A long time ago a couple I knew decided to renew their wedding vows after wards we were subjected to over 3 hours VHS tapes of the ceremony and following reception! For anyone I would suggest an absolute maximum of 15 mins of highlights no more. Bride & Groom plus parents excepted of course. John
  22. Thank you for sharing this show, it brought back memories of many holidays spent in Northumberland the choice of music was very good. A couple of minor things, I felt that some of the early transitions were a little bit too slow give the "third image" a bit too much time on screen and also there seemed to be some wide-angle distortion with quite a few of the buildings leaning backwards or sideways. However this doesn't really distract from the sequence which portrays the coast beautifully. John
  23. Such sad news, I knew Maureen and Robert when I was in England, my most sincere condolences to Robert and family. John Guthrie
  24. Just as a matter of interest the Bluetooth Logitech Dinovo Media and Edge keyboards do not allow the Alt+0169 keystroke, in fact they do not allow any Alt+code keystrokes. Regards John
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