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  • Location
    West Midlands UK
  • Interests
    Photography in most of its forms

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  1. Hi Ron, Will check out 4th Jan. Yes great advice from Roger, he is a star man.We, that is my wife and I, have now got a great looking menu page for our shows called "In Sync", all down to Roger's help. This help just goes to show how photographers all over the world can, and do, help each other. Thanks All. Zyderco Joe
  2. JPD, will download "Corsica" from my local libary as I only have a dial up connection at home. Hawk, never thought about using Pix to exe, sounds a little bit complicated for me but I will have a look, thanks both. Zydecoe Joe
  3. Something like your demo would be what I am looking out to create ,but I would like to be able to select the show and not run on auto, ie just a mouse click on the next presentation with time for a intro to the slide show. Regards Zyderco Joe
  4. Hi all. I would like to create a menu page that I can use when giving slide shows. I think this would look better than selecting the shows from windows explorer. Could I link the "exe" file using a hyperlink to a button giving the Show Title? Have tried using Excel but I keep getting a "warning" box stating hyperlinks can have viruses, and I don't know how to disable this message. Any ideas what other software I could use - eg Photoshop, Publisher etc. I'm sure someone out there must have already cracked this problem. Regards, Zydeco Joe
  5. Many thanks for your kind words. I have sent my show or should I say my clubs show via the local library with free broadband.The zipped show downloaded OK.Have a look at the pictures from Cannock P.S slide exhibition. Will place more shows on line soon that is if Bill will let me. Regards Zydercojoe
  6. Hi All, Have tried to upload a show to the Beechbrook site with no luck. The web site on www.beechbrook.com/upload cut me off after about 10mins. I have zipped the file. First tries were at 21mb and have since cut the show down to about 12mb but still no luck. I am using a dial up connection. As this is my first show on the web I assume that I am doing something wrong but what?? Regards Zydercojoe
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