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  1. Thanks Igor - so pleased to see the transition effects re-activated. Can't wait to implement! Have been using the software for 2 years now and it just gets better and better.
  2. Hi Ron I received your scrolling text tutorial today. Thank you very much - it's very clearly written and illustrated - no problem in following through. Chris
  3. Thanks Igor..... PTE show and Flowers: look wonderful on my husband's machine running AMD Athlon MP XP1800+ with NVIDIA Geforce 4 MX 440 - generally very smooth on panning and zooming with some very minor jerks (almost imperceptible). Neither will load at all on my machine running AMD Athlon 3400+ with 1.5 Gig RAM but it's using an old 3D Prophet II MX. Looks like I need to buy a new graphics card for this machine. Any suggestions please? Chris
  4. Many thanks for your touble Ken, though I'm Christine, not Mike - we are co-authors!! Nice to meet you. My copy is also now scanning clean, so end of story, but what a lot of wasted hours this weekend!!
  5. I was very very happy to read that AVG have sorted out the problem today, so I updated my free AVG just an hour ago, re-booted my computer and scanned one of my "suspect" exe files. AVG free immediately came up with a Trojan alert just as it had done over the weekend. So, I downloaded the version of the AV that we have on Beechbrook (DPAGB on page 4 of the Beechbrook downloads). As soon as I started the AV up, AVG sprang into action and gave me the alert that it had found psw.banker.hmq again. I am sorry I cannot tell you which version of P2E this was made from, though this version of the AV was dated Sept 2004. I would be interested for someone else to download DPAGB from Beechbrook and check it against their AVG installation in case there's something I am missing!! Thanks Chris
  6. I'd been concerned about this all day Marion, thinking I might have passed it to you with my AV! Chris
  7. Hi Ian My reply is, of course, yes, but please wait for Mike's response too!! I have emailed him but he's either asleep or working right now!! It would certainly be a good joke to get the "D" twice with the same set of images (though a bit expensive maybe). Regards Chris
  8. Thanks for the positive comments. If it helps Ashford's quest for distinctions, I for one would be quite happy for you to show our AV at the club. The AV was originally made to show to Southport club's digital group. But it took us so long to make it (spanning several beta's of the software) that it would be great if it were seen by more people. As Mike said, though, the most stress was the judging day itself. Chris
  9. Hi everyone... I'm just new to the forum but maybe what I have to say is not new - if so, please forgive me for repeating what's gone before. I just love the programme, especially the new beta2 lightbox facility and the vertical slideshow array. But one problem I have is that, if I want to change the timings of a group of slides, they all have to be re-positioned on the timeline one by one. I would like to be able to select a whole group of slides and drag them along the timeline together into a new position and maybe assign the same fade and smoothing effects to a group. Will this be possible in the future with P2E? I would also like to be able to lock certain slides in time, where a transition at a particular point in the music is critical - the slides sometimtes seem to re-position themselves on the timeline when I add or remove new slides.
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