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Everything posted by ShortVersion

  1. Thanks very much ContaxMan and George. This was the first slideshow I have put together and it was really because of PTE. I have seen a slide show someone emailed me and I was impressed and inquired about it and the rest is history. I really like this software and it's capabilities and the forum was a big help. I do use Photoshop but I do not consider myself a photoshop guru by all means. Up until creating this slideshow I have only used Photoshop to clean up, adjust, sharpen, crop and resize my pictures. I had never used layers before. This project sort of forced me into another level in Photoshop. I have put alot of time in creating this project but it was mostly learning new stuff. It was all worth it. Especially when others express their enjoyment. Yes, it is a wee bit on the long side but I just couldn't get myself to cut it any shorter than what it is. My brother is the only other person who mentioned the lenght of the slideshow and I won't tell you what I told him... Just kidding. Btw, George, don't let my name throw you off. I'm all apple pie and Chevrolet, you know. Well maybe not Chrevrolet, more like Toyota. I have been driving them Toyotas for so long now... OK, enuff... Later folks... Mehmet
  2. Thank you , Ken. Glad you enjoyed it. Yes, it was a great holiday but short. Looking forward to the next reef to explore. Mehmet
  3. Well here it is. My first slide show presentation ever. Bonaire 2004 I have learned alot in the last few weeks. This forum and the tutorials by Al Robinson and ogl has been a great source of help. PTE is a top of the line software. I used Cooledit for putting together the background music. That was a first too. One thing I didn't pay much attention to was the size of the file. Hopefully that will not be a detterent. All constructive critism is welcome. Please let me know what you think and thank you for all the help. Mehmet
  4. Well, finally success at uploading my file to Beechbrook site. Big thanks go to Bill for being so patient and helpfull. Thanks to dagrace and Ken Cox. My first slide show is now available for viewing. It is a big file. That is a lesson learned. I have to keep my future slide shows a bit smaller than this one. The file name is "Bonaire 2004". Constructive criticism is welcome. Enjoy.
  5. Hello All, I have purchased PTE 4.20 about three weeks ago and with the help of this forum I have been able to complete my first presentation. So I just wanted to say thanks to all the great folks that are a part of this forum. I would like to share my presentation with you all and get some feed back as soon as I am succesfull in uploading it to the Beechbrook site. I tried it once and nothing happened so I emailed them for help. We'll see what happens. Thanks for all your help. Mehmet
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