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Everything posted by Esc

  1. Hi friends! My expire date is coming closer. Will be eciting to see what happens... /Lennart
  2. Good show! /Lennart
  3. Report. Well, Eric, the race went the right way, but the TV-set don´t like me. The Sony did not find/read my file. So back to square One. I have now made a new .MP4-file with the Low quality setting (down from High quality). Next race is in Germany in two weeks time and then I will give the Sony a new chance... /Lennart
  4. Thank you, guys. For Eric, I can asure you the polesitter is not my alltime favorite Tazio Nuvolari. The game went all down the drain - 0-0. As usual nowadays. Tomorrow, I will check out my MP4-compilation. /Lennart
  5. Thanks Peter! Well, I did that yesterday, but became confused as I checked the result in running the show on my computer. The show opened up in Windows Media Player and I soon found there was an out if sync re. the sound. Running it in Nero Show Time it was all OK. My MP3-sound was 22500 Hz as I have some mixed tracks with different sample rates. However, tomorrow I will test on a Sony Bravia widescreen after Alonso have won the British Grand Prix. For now, I will resample the sound to 44100 Hz and see what happens. While it´s running I am going down the pub and watch my local football team win another lousy game... /Lennart
  6. Hi Gary! "I have a Samsung LED TV that will play the PTE's MP4 format directly from a USB device." How did you make the MP4-file? HD Video for PC and Mac? /Lennart
  7. Hi Andrew! Well, that was something. I mean the download time. I got just 22 sec. on your exe-download link. Re. "Normandy" I must say you have come a long way since the Auschwitz-project. Good work. Carry on. /Lennart
  8. Download "Echoes of Sky" = 18 sec. Paying for 8+ MB ADSL. Regards/Lennart
  9. Nice, indeed! An "i" too many in "slideshow". For a me it was a lot of text to read for the veiwing time allowed. Good to find the manual stop/forward worked. /Lennart
  10. Hi Barry! Capacity 1920x1080 Set to 1280x800 for the moment Regards/Lennart
  11. Hi! See Help Topic: Topics and Forums Notifications You may want to subscribe to your favorite forums or topics so that when a new topic or reply is added you will be notified. To subscribe to a topic or forum, go to that area and click the " Watch" button. You can also subscribe to a topic while replying by checking the "Enable email notification of replies?" checkbox from under the post configuration options. /Lennart
  12. Great! Nice slow tempo and music. I don´t think the zooming adds much to the show. Also missing some short info of the Stourhead. I hope you take on the follies in the area too... /Lennart
  13. No problem. Eric, I guess it´s your BB. /Lennart
  14. Hi gnome! Did you solve your problem? If so - what was the cause? Regards /Lennart
  15. Download: instant. Running on XP Sp2: no hickup. Spendid show. Music and V1-sound spot on. Add a few sec to the intro text for us slow readers in the bush... Next stop: Peenemünde. /Lennart
  16. Thanks, Ken! I guess I am not awake yet.. /Lennart
  17. Hi Jan! Take a look at this topic - http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=12265 The mediafire-link is not working but if you contact RayC I am shure he will send you Road Map Otago. /Lennart
  18. You have gone a long way, Andrew. Well done! /Lennart
  19. Thanks bjc! /Lennart
  20. Reminds me of THE MASTERPIECE - The Grand Tour. Cannot be found on Beechbrook anymore but here is a link to the PTE topic http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=2921 Hope Bill will put it up again. /Lennart
  21. Esc


    :D :D /Lennart
  22. Hi Mark! Nice done. Very good photographs. However - as always - I was missing the food... Agree with Ron on the panning. A fading into the following image could give the panning a smooth ending. The titles could be a smaller size and in some color. /Lennart
  23. Well, Rick. I guess Eric is right. But as I remember it from the 1950-radio broadcasting it was a little slower in tempo. And you can find both versions - and lot of others - on the net. Apart from the film the story of Anton Karas is quite remarcable. /Lennart
  24. On a rainy day I guess you can feel the sewers dripping... Nice done! Also Orson is a favorite of mine. Eh.. isn´t it Anton Karas..? /Lennart
  25. Wonderful!!! :lol: /Lennart
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