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Everything posted by Esc

  1. What a day!!!!!!!!!!! /Lennart :P :P
  2. Andrew... Bravo! Very well done. I understand you are training for the bells and whistles contest... ...and Ken - did you really have all those cars? /Lennart
  3. LOL, I do, I do, Ido (ABBA 1975). /Lennart
  4. Nice show, nice idea and above all nice music. The year 1947 does not correspond very well to the model year of some of the cars. The music is from the Ry Cooder masterpiece. I have the CD running in my car every time I take my trip to watch the Formula 1 races at my friends outside town. Very well put together. There´s a few tracks left... /Lennart
  5. Nominee is not elected, eh? However, I worked hard for it and like to thank my mother, who never understood me ´cause my silly way of speaking, and etcetera... /Lennart
  6. Ken, Yes, but I did not do a new installation but just changed language to Polish - but no.... Although I don´t know all the tricks in the book I guess I am quite good at the method of try and error. /Lennart
  7. Thanks all! Well, I tried all of your ideas - but no. So I went the hard way of: 1. Copy/paste the Google translation into a Word-document. 2. Made some layout adjustments. 3. Copy/paste the text from Word as a textblock into a new file in Photoshop - transparent background - and saved as PNG-file. 4. In PtE in OA replaced the TEXT OBJECT with the PNG-image and repositioned/zoomed etc. There´s nothing like hard work... /Lennart
  8. Thanks Eric! Sadly, I think I have tried them all. /Lennart
  9. Hi! I am trying to copy/paste Google translation in polish to a textbox in OA. Some of the following letters - Ą ą Ć ć Ę ę Ł ł Ń ń Ó ó Ś ś Ź ź Ż ż - will not show in the textbox. Please, help. /Lennart
  10. CONGRATS/Lennart
  11. Yes, YES, YES!!! I fully agree with Anthony. You can´t expect people to enjoy a Danish X-mas breakfast in an hour... :P /Lennart
  12. Hi Andrew! Sorry about the outcome. Are the members of the Selection Committee also members of the forum? If so, we will ... /Lennart
  13. Hi Forum! I recognized this problem early on. Doing a search and then reading endless topics leading to no answer I found was annoying. So what did I do when I put up a topic? Read on: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=9738&view=findpost&p=69170 /Lennart
  14. Hi Dan! Rightclick the textobject click Order/Bring to front /Lennart
  15. Hi Lin! Thank you for expanding on the subject of autofocus. Like Gayland I have not thought of this problem. Although I had an eyejob made and got my distant viewing back I thought it is not going to be better than that. But you give me hope that it is my camera and not me. Would you mind putting up a few pictures illustrating the problem so we in the dark can arrange our own tests? Regards/Lennart
  16. Hi Peter! For me it is too much snow... Run smooth, no problem. /Lennart
  17. Well, like Mark I went for my username... /Lennart
  18. Hi! In short: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ /Lennart
  19. Very much better! :) /Lennart
  20. Hi! Nice indeed. For me the time interval for the old views are a little short. As I am not native in english time for reading the captions and study the pictures I think would be increased. Thanks for showing. /Lennart
  21. Thanks Stu. I have to look into Nero. With regard to the current project, I squeezed my intro into the menu and I guess that will do for now. /Lennart
  22. Hi Mark! For recording voiceovers I am using Audacity and a headset with microphone (Advance Anti-Noise NC-65 - some years old) connected directly to my laptop. The headset is $25 in US or £22 in UK. The setup is very good and ambient noise is cut out. I have my desktop running beside me when recording and that is not problem. However, I am close to deaf... /Lennart
  23. Hi! Which third-party DVD-Menu creation program can I use with PtE to get an Intro like Carol asking for? Or do we have a method within PtE or VideoBuilder? Kind regards/Lennart
  24. Hi Pual! No problem here. Well done. Slow fadings/timing to my liking and nice music. /Lennart
  25. Hi Mark! Very nice show. I agree with Mary. Well done. I have heard much about Hurtigrutten but not yet tried it. As Ken - a keeper. /Lennart
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