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About RayPar

  • Birthday 09/01/1962

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    Los Angeles, California

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  1. Happy Borthday Igor. Ray Los Angeles, CA
  2. Hello everyone, Some of you have probably wondered where I disappeared to. This is the first chance I've gotten to post and here's why: Ruben's Place PTE Slide shows to follow soon of course. Ray
  3. Hi everyone. It’s been a long time since I have posted anything here, but I assure you that I have been lurking silently. This is a feature that I have been asking for almost 2 years. I am hoping that it has been covered in the latest release of PTE, but if so, I can’t seem to find it. I want to be able to provide users with feedback when they put the mouse over an object (in this case a button comprised of a thumbnail) and click it. This feedback can be in any form such as color change, audio click, highlight, or anything in general to let the users know that their click of the mouse has been acknowledged. This would be very similar to what you would find on a DVD menu. The reason for this is that without an acknowledgement or feedback, the users may continue clicking on the same button hence launching the same show multiple times. If anyone knows of a trick as to how to achieve this it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Ray
  4. Greetings from Los Angeles California. Transplanted here for the past 24 years from Tehran, Iran. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Peace on Earth. Ray
  5. After creating the AVI file, the PTE's dialogue box refers to using “Ulead DVD MovieCreator2” to burn the DVD. However, I can’t find such a product on Ulead’s site. Ulead has a product called DVD Movie Factory which I am familiar with, but I have never seen the “DVD MovieCreator2”. Is this simply a typo, my old age, or perhaps a Russian version of the DVD Movie Factory? Ray
  6. Igor, As an FYI, I have also noticed the flickering problem when creating DVD using TMPGenc. The effect is that the pixels on the pictures move around rather than being solid throughout the entire show.. Ray
  7. ....or in sunny California.
  8. Sure Dana.....pass the buck will you? Sorry, the home office is still a mess. The remodeling is taking longer than I thought (not to mention the "honey-do" list). Should be up and running soon as I'm dying to get my feet wet with this new feature. I'll let everyone know what works and what doesn't......I promise. Ray
  9. I use a Sony DRU500 which I paid about $300 for almost a year ago. Sony has a later version called DRU510A for $179 and a $30 mail-in rebate ($150.00 after rebate). It supports all formats (DVDR+, DVDR-, DVD-RW+ and DVD-RW-) at speeds of up to 4x. Mine has been extremely reliable with no coasters so far. You can pick up a DRU-510A at BestBuy for $179 minus $30 rebate. At that price it is a bargain. Ray
  10. Hey Dana, Well, at least the mystery is solved (Igor's earlier thread) as to why PTE has to stay open in order for the AVI to work. As for bringing the AVI into a Pinnacle product I am exactly in the same boat as you are. I too am going through a computer remodeling job (while the Mrs. remodels the whole house ). So I haven't quite yet reinstalled all the programs on my new computer. I'll be sure to post the results as soon as I do. Ray
  11. Thanks Fred. I actually tried copying the file prior to pressing the finish button as you suggesteg; however after the original file gets erased the copy file for some reason plays only the audio. I don't understand exactly why this is. I can only guess that the avi file still depends on some routines within the PTE and once you close it it is unable to play the video. Perhaps the video codec? Maybe Igor can shed some light on this. Ray
  12. Igor, Great job with the AVI . It looks very sharp. Can you give us an option so that we can process the avi file at a later time? Right now, after you create the AVI file you are asked to go to Ulead DVD Creator. If I push finish before doing that the avi file gets erased. Why not just leave the avi file behind so that we can use another software to convert it into varius formats? Also, I don't understand why you have different options for the avi file (Custome, VCD, SVCD, DVD)? Do you actually format the AVI stream differntly based on those choices? Thanks, Ray
  13. Me too, and me too! Cool features.
  14. I have my registration key on a floppy, a zip disk, a CD and a memory card all stored in my bank's safety deposit box.
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