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About stonemason

  • Birthday 04/09/1946

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    Northants UK
  • Interests
    Wildlife and Nature in all its forms. Photography and Audio visual

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  1. It's mainly about the way you feel editing; for example, I tried many apps that some people said were good, and I didn't like them. It's about how easy you find the app to use.
  2. PTE Studio does bottom line main window Geoff
  3. That works but still an extra step, hopefully Igor can add conformation in the O&A window in the next update. Geoff
  4. Thanks DG it does indeed work although unlike in the main window, in the O&A window there's no conformation it has saved which would, in my opinion, be helpful. Geoff
  5. It appears that Ctrl + S no longer saves a sequence in the O&A window which is not good when applying animation to slides in the O&A window one after another. Can anyone confirm this please and if I'm correct can it be fixed ASAP? Many thanks Geoff
  6. Have a look at this topic
  7. Thanks for the information, it's much appreciated Geoff
  8. Thanks macian, if the menu system is produced on a windows system the format is Run Slideshow with return "Myshow.exe" is this the same on a mac or does the "Myshow.pteav" part need any reference to the Mac slideshow player? Many thanks Geoff
  9. Does a menu system with run and return work on Mac computers? Geoff
  10. Thanks Dave I'd no idea that was a user choice Geoff
  11. I've noticed that if a rectangle is added in the O&A window if you click on it to drag it into position all of the boundary indicators disappear making positioning more difficult in my opinion, unless I'm missing something, has anyone else noticed this? Geoff
  12. Thanks davegee must be something peculiar to me the although goodness knows what I've tried all sorts of things and always get the same result. Update It's something to do with the formatting of the original word document I'm copying from as it doesn't happen when copy and pasting from a plain text document, so my problem and nothing to do with PTE :-)
  13. Hi Jill I always make sure that I only copy the characters needed. I would suggest that it probably is adding that line but it's only noticeable if you have a text shadow attached to the text object. I use cove - shallow. If after copying and pasting two lines of text into the text entry window the cursor is flashing under the second line then a blank line is being added. If the cursor is below the text hit backspace and you will see the text object shrink by one line. Geoff
  14. When a text object is created in the O&A window, if the word text is selected and over written with copied and paste text it always seems to add an extra blank line which has to be removed with the backspace key. Is there any way to stop that extra line being added please? PTE AV Studio 10.5.1 Geoff
  15. Many thanks Igor works really well, you and the team have done a great job with version 10.5. Regards Geoff
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