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Everything posted by stonemason

  1. Igor will it be possible to make mac compatible auto run CD's on which the slideshows are menu driven? Congratulations to you and your team for the constant improvements to PTE. Regards Geoff
  2. Hi DaveG I have tried both ways Laptop to TV via HDMI and the .mp4 on the media player, and my observations are that you would have to be super critical to spot any differences in the quality of either. The media player plus a 500gb HDD gives a very convenient way of watching films, listening to music, and perhaps most importantly being able to enthrall family and friends with our slideshows, all at the touch of a button. I've not had it long but am more than satisfied with it's performance with everything I've given it to play. Geoff
  3. Thanks to all for the info. DaveG The TV is full HD with 1920 x 1080 resolution, and I agree with you about thinking slideshow when I take the images. However for existing images I think that I will go with 1080 high and the length madeup to 1920 with end black borders, as most of my images I have always tried to exclude what I don't want at the taking stage. As far as playing the slideshows on the TV this is no problem at all. I purchased a Western Digital WD TV HD Media Player and an external usb2 500gb Wd Mybook HDD. This combination plays the PTE .mp4 files onto the TV, and the quality is stunning. The player will also play almost all forms of music, video, and .jpg pictures, thus adding full media player caperbility to your TV. It also has optical audio out so is easy to attach to a surround sound system. Anyone interested take a look here. http://www.wdc.com/en/products/products.asp?driveid=572 Ron Thanks for the link I'll take a look. Geoff
  4. Just having got a full HD TV I've started looking into full HD PTE output, and immediatly come up aginst a problem. This is the loss of image content from cropping a 3:2 ratio image from the camera (Nikon D300) to suit the 16:9 ratio on the TV. My question is has anyone come up with a good compromise to get the best from the image content and filling as much of the screen as possible in HD. Geoff
  5. Hi Larry try avast free antivirus constant updates and a good replacement for AVG across all flavours of windows. http://www.avast.com/eng/avast_4_home.html Geoff
  6. Settled on this one http://www.ebuyer.com/product/93649/show_product_overview I'll report my findings when it arrives should anyone else be thinking of buying this type of device.
  7. I'm looking for a wireless presenter to use with manually advanced PTE slideshows, with the ability to send remote left and right mouse button signals to a laptop to forward and reverse slides, also escape signal would be handy to terminate a show from a distance. Most I have found seem to be aimed at powerpoint presentations. Has anyone any experiance, or recomendations for this type of equipment. Must be UK available. I found this one as an example http://www.misco.co.uk/applications/Search...sp?EdpNo=245620 Geoff
  8. Thanks Yachtsman1. Would you mind telling me which model you bought, as making a choice is always easier with knowledge of other peoples experiance. Our club also uses DLP and this seems better than the majority of LCD projectors I've seen. Thanks Geoff
  9. What's the current thinking on the best type of projector for PTE .exe slideshows DLP or LCD? Geoff
  10. Xaver & Dom many thanks for the info. Regards Geoff
  11. has anyone got a copy of, or link to Lin's Puzzle show. I'm considering getting a laptop for playback purposes, and would appreciate this to try out possible candidates. Thanks Geoff
  12. Lin I can only echo what everyone else has said. The very best of luck to you and your family. Best wishes Geoff
  13. Hi Peter I do output slideshows to menu driven DVD's for myself and others, although my prime interest is .exe slideshows. Like you I am always willing to learn, but I haven't been tempted by youtube as yet but who knows! I just felt that it was possibly worthy of discussion so thought I would kick it off to see if others agreed. Regards Geoff
  14. "It's actually "Youtube" not "Utube"." Hi Lin I stand Corrected over "youtube". Thanks for your input, as always well reasoned and well constructed. You may well be right in your arguments, but I felt that it was at least worth a discussion, and "New Forum" does tend to grab peoples attention quite quickly. Regards Geoff
  15. Doesn't even look at it
  16. What do people think about a forum section for utube and it's associated problems? I ask this because it seems that the PTE section is getting bogged down and overloaded with utube related problems. I worry that people who come here for help and advice is the mechanics of using PTE and creating slideshows will increasingly find it difficult to sift out information. I will nail my colours firmly to the mast and say that creating slideshows for utube has no interest for me, and I would rather continue to support Bill at Beechbrook cottage and see peoples work at the best quality. If people think that my judgement is prejudiced by this opinion then that's fine, and I hope that a good debate results from this. Regards Geoff
  17. When my mind is totaly concentrated on the place I'm in, then it's special, and I seem to take my best images in such places. Being a keen wildlife photographer it can also be an event, such as the first image captured of an elusive bird or animal, this also tends to make the place special. Geoff
  18. Igor in the UK I suspect that a large number of PTE users are camera club or audio visual club members, and for those people the output is primarily .exe files. This is what PTE does best and to my mind the .exe option should be the head of the list. regards Geoff
  19. AbdolReza Completely agree with Peter, and just as an aside when talking about resources is such a large signature statement really necessary? Regards Geoff
  20. Jean I have been using sp3 since june 2008 with an AMD processer with no problems at all, although my windows version is XPpro rather than the home addition. regards Geoff
  21. Does it matter to anyone else other than the development team?
  22. It gives a square crop although I must admit I only tried the 32 x 32 version Geoff Edit :- Just tried the other two and they both give the required square crop
  23. Den it's working fine for me in cs3 Geoff
  24. Hi Ralph Many thanks for your feedback pleased you enjoyed the images Regards Geoff
  25. Hi Bobo Yes you're right about icofx but it's yet another piece of software to have installed for very infrequent use. As most people who produce slideshows use photoshop or similar to edit their images, the ability to produce icons in the same application is more conveniant regards Geoff
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