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Everything posted by stonemason
Hi Ron I have a folder on a seperate drive called Digital AV, then sub folders inside one for each AV, containing all the images, music and any photoshop masters I may use for that AV. To be honest I don't use the template or zip backup options, but backup to CD (or DVD) disc every so often, because I feel that any backup or template which stays on the computer even if it's on a seperate drive is still too much at risk. regards Geoff
Hi Sheila you may want to give the freeware ShelExec available from http://www.naughter.com/shelexec.html a try I have used this on several hundred CD's and to the best of my knowlege not had a failure yet. regards Geoff
Sammy Barry Beckham at http://www.beckhamdigital.co.uk/audiovisual/audiovisual.htm has an excellent guide to PTE and lots of demo slideshows to download. Maybe you could print some of this to get you started. Geoff
Hi Sammy welcome to the forum. To the best of my knowlege there is no boxed version of PTE, as its only a 4mb download. As for a manual again to the best of my knowlege there is no manual, however this forum is the best interactive manual you could ever want. Ask anything you wish to know or are having trouble with and you will get very comprehensive answers and very quickly. Remember that no question is too simple to be asked. Geoff
Thanks for the (P) indicator Igor now all I need is "select slides to right" on the timeline right click menu and my wishes are complete Best regards Geoff
Hi Ron I am trying to create my own DVD template for use in the DVD builder. There are several included templates, but it would be good to be able design your own, where you could vary the number and type of show links on each page. Dom as you suggested the .ini file seems to hold the key so I'll investigate that route, and yes a tutorial would be good. Geoff
Is it possible to create your own menu template for PTE 5 and if so has anyone figured out how to do it yet. Geoff
Hang on guys lets leave video to video applications PTE is the premier still image slideshow programme, lets keep it that way rather than try to make it a jack of all trades. We already have the superb animation features and DVD capabilities that Igor and the team have given us in PTE5. I have done several DVD's combining still images and video clips using video editing software, and find this is the best and simplest way to go to achive this sort of combined output. If you want further proof take a look at all the revisions bug fixes and updates in ProShow gold which claims to do everything, then compare the output with that of PTE which concentrates on what it does best. Geoff
Thanks as ever for the swift replies Ron did you get any picture distortion selecting 16:9 format? Geoff
Whats the best screen % to set to ensure that all of a 4:3 slideshow is visable on TV screen when burnt to DVD Geoff
I've just realised that the small button with "P" on it which indicated that a slide had been customized is missing in V5 is there an indicator that I've missed which marks a slide as customized? If not then I would very much like to see the "P" button reinstated in PTE5 as I found this very useful. Geoff
Thanks Al tried using V5 but shows were slow to start, other threads have talked about problems with v5 menus that are hard hardware accelerated. Needed to finish the project so went back to 4.48, however having done that I will get some time to give it another try. regards Geoff
If presentations are triggered from a menu system (PTE 4.48) using hyperlinks how do you get over the problem of the links appearing in different positions when shown on screen resolutions different from the one on which the show was created? I would be interested to know if anyone else has this type of problem. Geoff
Hi Andrew can you tell me what size the images are that you used for your panoramas please regards Geoff
Given that the accepted screen resolutin for PTE shows is 1024 x 768 pixels what do people have their monitors set at? I am especially interested in those who have LCD monitors, as 1024 x 768 seems to be a low resolution for these. Info would be much appreciated. Geoff
Igor is this a problem with all graphics cards or just ATI ? Geoff
Hi Andrew enjoyed your show some spectacular images. For me personaly there was a bit too much pan and zoom, not allowing the eye to settle and enjoy the images as much as I would have liked, but a very well crafted and enjoyable sequence. Best regards Geoff
Hi Stonewall It is recomended that most competition AV's should be no longer than 5 minutes, and that all the photographic content should be the copyright of the author. This excludes the use of items such as clip art. Although what Ian says is correct, my experiance has been that most judges would not view favourably the inclusion of images taken from books, old newspapers or the internet. The above applies only to competition AV's, if you are making AV's to use to entertain or inform others, then you have complete freedom of choice. However in my opinion there is greater satisfaction in putting together sequences which only contain your own work, rather than including the copyright free work of others. regards Geoff
Hi Andrew The "Select slides to the right" was my suggestion in another post, I have just finished doing multiple slideshows using a total of about 1500 images and this feature would have saved me a considerable amount of time so I am hoping there is enough support for it to be included in a future version of PTE. Regards Geoff
Whenever you can fit it in Igor is fine by me, you and the team have done an excellent job with PTE5. Best regards Geoff
Igor the hyperlink system as used in PTE 4.48 is a very simple and straight forward way of creating multi show menus and in my opinion would be a useful addition to PTE5 if it could be implemented. Regards Geoff
Larry do you have anti-virus on your video capture pc, this can cause dropped frames best to unplug or lock internet connection and dis-able AV while capturing video. Ken not sure why you should have problems changing associations must admit I've never had any problems and I do a lot of video capture but then I don't have media player installed on any of my pc's. regards Geoff
Hi Larry There is a good chance that your problems are caused by DRM (digital rights management). As a rule of thumb avoid any contact with media player. To play mp3's try VLC media player http://www.videolan.org/vlc/ and to capture from CD as mp3 use audiograbber http://www.audiograbber.com-us.net/ both are freeware and I can highly recommend both. Just to complete your divorce from media player try GOM Player http://www.gomplayer.com/main.html this plays all types of video files, again is freeware, and again highly recomended. regards Geoff
Hi Peter its the changing of the text colours as the mouse passes over that I'm after to the best of my knowledge that's not available in the drop down menu, it is quite useful when building multi show menus. regards Geoff
Is it still possible to create a hyperlink in PTE 5 as it was in 4.48 ie one colour on the page change colour when mouse over, and change again when mouse click? thanks Geoff