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Everything posted by stonemason

  1. I want to create a theme very similar to the Wedding theme that comes with version 10, but with the image name appearing in each individual image as it appears against the background. I've had several attempts at achieving this with no success. Can anyone either point me to a tutorial that may exist, or give me some guidance as to how this can be achieved. Many thanks Geoff
  2. Thanks Igor, congratulations to you and the team, great upgrade. Regards Geoff
  3. Thanks for the advice much appreciated Geoff
  4. When converting existing shows to version 10 after opening the existing .PTE file is it necessary to "save as" to over write the version 9 .pte file in the new version 10 format or are all the improvements in version 10 performance included by simply going to publish show in .exe format without doing a "save as" on the .PTE file? Geoff
  5. Hi igor Further to my above enquiry, all my slideshows are produced on my desktop computer. I only use the laptop for playing slideshows and not producing them. It would appear that most laptops with separate NVIDIA graphics cards are beyond my price range (about £500). Given this information could I play Version 10 slideshows on a laptop like or similar to this one https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07PPT2MN2/ref=psdc_429886031_t3_B07MWDHKXY Many thanks Geoff
  6. Hi Igor Many thanks for the information, and congratulations to you and the team for PTE 10
  7. My 11 year old dell laptop has just died. What would people think is the minimum laptop specification processor / graphics needed to run PTE including sideshows made with the upcoming version 10 release. I'm looking for recommended minimum specs rather than a high end wish list. Many thanks Geoff
  8. Hi Igor Thanks it will be a welcome addition whenever you can do it. Regards Geoff
  9. Igor is this possible ? Geoff
  10. Given the amount of work carried out in the O&A Editor, it would be useful to be able to hotkey Ctrl + S save without closing the editor. Geoff
  11. Considering how much work that could be done in the O&A window, being able to hot key save would be a welcome addition in my opinion, hopefully Igor will comment on this. Geoff
  12. Hi Lin, hope you are well. I seem to remember using it in O&A before but that may be creative memory. If it doesn't work in O&A I think it would be a useful addition Best Regards Geoff
  13. Can anyone confirm for me whether Ctrl + S works in the O&A window in version 9.17 because to me it doesn't seem as if it does. When animating many slides in O&A it's useful to be able to save without exiting the O&A window Geoff
  14. Hi Igor this is a free large file service I use, people may find it useful for larger projects https://wetransfer.com/ Geoff
  15. Having read through this thread I agree with most that's been said about the future of DVD and whether it's a good choice for outputting slideshows. However it is a feature offered in PicturesToExe, which may attract some people when deciding to buy the software, and should therefore work efficiently. Geoff
  16. Thanks Dave that works fine
  17. Is anyone else having trouble nudging items in the O&A window using the arrow keys in version 9.0.14. It would appear, on my system at least, that this function no longer works. Other's observations would be appreciated, and a solution if it's just my system. Thanks Geoff
  18. Thanks Phil and Igor for your replies, and for the info. Regards Geoff
  19. Does anyone have experience of putting both .exe files and .mp4 files on the same DVD disc, not burnt as DVD but a data disk. My question is if such a disk was placed in a stand alone DVD player would it play the .mp4 files and ignore the .exe's or would the .exe's prevent it reading the disk at all. Geoff
  20. Is it possible to have navigation bar icons showing but turn off the progress bar other than auto hiding? Edit Solved. If switching from the mini player to full screen the progress bar appears on mouse movement. If preview from current position is selected then progress bar doesn't show on mouse movement.
  21. Ok thanks Igor
  22. Hi Igor I understand your thinking, but still maintain the view that a token effort is better than no effort at all. regards Geoff
  23. Thanks for conformation is there any way to move this there or should I repeat the post?
  24. In previous versions of PTE pressing Ctrl + S while in the objects and animations window saved the project. This appears not to be the case in Version 9, Ctrl + S only being available after exiting the Objects and Animations window. Being able to save while working on a complex animation is useful, so could someone please check to see if what I'm finding is not unique to my system. Thanks Geoff
  25. I understand all the arguments put forward, but still think that unless there is a good technical reason for removing that piece of existing code, then it should be kept in version 9. It may be a token effort at protecting images, but that's not a good reason for removing it. If there is a good and valid reason for it's removal, I would be interested to hear that reasoning from Igor. Regards Geoff
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