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Everything posted by stonemason

  1. Hi Jeb my route to PTE was after trying Proshow Gold. In my opinion PTE is better for exe file slide shows being more controllable and producing better and smoother transisions. However if you require TV viewable output ie VCD DVD then these are far easier to achive using ProShow Gold. I know that in the fullness of time Igor will address this problem, and make this type of output far easier than it is at present. Having said all this PTE is a great programme and is capable of producing first class results, and I strongly urge you to test it fully before moving to other software. I'm sure you won't be dissapointed. Best regards stonemason
  2. Ron check your web creation software, most upload to web and keep local (hard drive)and remote sites synchronized. stonemason
  3. Hi keyboard I would guess that the picture in picture effect is created in photoshop or similar app, and the saved as seperate images. Turning on and off layers in photoshop when saving as jpg files ensures perfect registration. Hope this helps
  4. Excellent very high quality AVs many thanks for sharing them regards stonemason
  5. When I create a slideshow in PTE I do all the arranging of show using copies of the original files from my D70 about 2.5mb each (preview always runs fine using these). When I am happy with the show, I create a sub folder called exe pics into which I copy all the show pictures and resize them to 1024 X 768. I then create another sub folder called video pics, and again copy all the the show pictures into this at their original 2.5mb size. If I want to create an exe show I copy the exe folder pictures into the slideshow folder, or if I want the best quality for video I use the pictures from the video folder. Because the pictures have the same names the .pte file works fine in both cases. For video I output to TMPGEec and get good quality flicker free slide shows for my 28inch widescreen TV. I also do as Ken suggests and reduce the screen size to 95% for video, and find that this shows all the picture on the TV. Hope this is of some help. stonemason
  6. Thanks for your time Ken I arrived at all the places you did when searching for this poem. Any male voice version would be OK, infinitely preferable to my own rendition, so will have to keep looking.
  7. I'm looking for an audio version of the poem Leisure by William Henry Davies preferably read by John Hannah but any male voice would be OK. Need it for an Audio Visual soundtrack(male voice is better for this AV). Tried recording it myself but I'm not the best at reading poetry. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  8. Thanks for the info it is the SY(P) one that I wanted stonemason
  9. I once saw an app (Boxig I think) that allows you to open a .pte file and see details of timings, effects and images. Anyone know of such an app and where I can find it please? Thanks stonemason
  10. Have you folks tried using VirtualDub (freeware) to create your avi files from PTE. You need to know how to use frameserving but this is explained in the help files, and a google search on virtualdub frameserving will bring up tutorial links. You then need to create mpeg files with either a DVD authoring app or a dedicated encoder such as Mainconcept mpeg encoder. I use this method and get excellent results. I look forward to the day when PTE can output mpegs direct. Hope this is of some use stonemason
  11. When I download beta 4 the installer says it's going to install beta 3 is this correct? PTE gets better and better stonemason
  12. I've evaluated two methods now 1) Using the object editor and 2) boxig's MultiShow Player The Boxig MultiShow Player is an excellent app and could be very useful, however for my project I am going with the object editor and creating an exe menu linked to slideshows on the CD. Once again many thanks to all who contributed to this thread your input is much appreciated. regards stonemason
  13. boxig thanks for info but couldn't find "MultiShow Player" on your site Edit : Found it thanks
  14. Many thanks to all for your input. By creating an exe menu and etering just the file names of the slideshows with no path, and burning all to a CD I now have an autorunning Menu system which plays all the files OK. Just a slight delay because the exe's are playing from CD rather than harddrive, but for my purpose this is fine. Once again many thanks. al I will do some experimenting with embeding files and post any useful feedback. regards stonemason
  15. Hi Ken thanks for the info, usefull items. Can you tell me if it is possible with PTE to embed one slideshow into another? Thanks
  16. I want to create a front end menu for a CD with several exe slide shows on it. If I add a button to a menu to play an exe slide show I have to enter the full path for the exe file. This of course will not be correct when the shows are burnt to CD. Is there a variable path entry that can be entered to correct this? would appreciate some help with this to save a pile of coasters. thanks
  17. Hi Tony Read my post at http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums//index...t=ST&f=2&t=2758 and look at the two links I gave to excellent tutorial sites also do a search on Frameserving using VirtualDub which is a free prog for creating avi files hope some of this helps stonemason
  18. Thanks for your reply Ken, but either I am not explaining myself very well or you have missed the point of my question. My question was about the technical capabilities of PTE not how to produce mpg files. I have been producing slide shows in Slide/Tape and digital formats for several years now using video editing software and latterly PTE and have tried ProShow Gold the use of which led to me asking the question. PTE's output is in my opinion superior to ProShow Gold but should you wish to view your work using a standalone DVD player and TV set, then PTE's approach is long winded compared to ProShow. However I am hopefull that at some point the mpg facility will be available in PTE. With regard to VirtualDub (which just works with avi files) and VirtualDubMod (which recognises mpg and avi files) there are excellent articles and tutorials available at http://www.doom9.org and http://www.videohelp.com/ VirtualDub will also act as a frameserving app for PTE's avi output. Regards stonemason
  19. Ken as I was asking what I felt was a question about the technical aspects of PTE and not asking how to create mpgs and DVDs (which I have been doing for quite some time now). I felt that this was the correct section of the forum to ask my question. I have read what has been said in the links you posted, and am pleased to hear that admin is giving this feature active consideration. I realise that most who use PTE do so to create EXE files and in this it is second to none. My point is that should people wish to output in different formats (ie to view on TV) most would have mpg1 or mpg2 (VCD SVCD and DVD) as their prefered choice. If size of PTE is a consideration then maybe the intermediate stage of avi output should be dropped in favour of mpg as avi files can easily be created from mpg's using the excellent (and free) VirtualDubMod. regards stonemason
  20. I know that there is a next version wish-list thread (which I have included a plea for mpg output) but I thought I would see if there was any reason why PTE does not output mpg2 files direct instead of the very flakey avi frame serving route to be then converted in yet another app to mpg2. Is there a copyright issue with the mpg format. I would dearly love to see this included in PTE as this as far as I can see is its major weakness against ProSow Gold which outputs to several formats including exe and mpg2. What do admin and others think? stonemason
  21. Would be nice if PTE could output mpeg files as well as or instead of avi as mpeg seems to be the ultimate goal for slideshows for DVD or VCD. stonemason
  22. No I just create the avi file with VirtualDub then you can create DVD from any DVD authoring app that you prefer, instead of Ulead, or Pinnacle(always found this very buggy) VirtualDub can be obtained from here http://www.virtualdub.org/ the mod version can be found at http://virtualdubmod.sourceforge.net/ this handles mpeg filesas well as avi. Good tutorials on VirtualDub and video in general can be found here http://www.videohelp.com/ Hope this helps stonemason
  23. I've found that PTE will create good quality avi files using VirtualDubMod which is a free programme if peple prefer to use other apps for creating DVD's proceedure is as in the help instructions but using VirtualDubMod. regards stonemason
  24. My American Cemetery slideshow has been downloaded 140 times, but I have had very little feedback. I hope that this doesn't mean that I have offended people with this show. It is not a political statement in any way, just my impressions of Madingley. If anyone has been offended please accept my apologies. stonemason
  25. What is the ideal picture size for PTE slide shows balancing exe file size against quality? any help or info would be appreciated thanks stonemason
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