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Everything posted by stonemason

  1. Hi Lin In my opinion if the anti-print screen feature prevents even a percentage of image theft, then for code that already existed to be removed is short sighted to say the least. It means that for me, on one particular project, having paid for version 9 I have to revert to using version 8. Because I'm dealing with other peoples images I have to show that the software I'm using does all it can to protect their images. If the reasons you give are correct then I'm most disappointed that Wnsoft have not at least done all they can to protect against image theft. Best regards Geoff
  2. Hi Jill I'm afraid to say its not, create a slideshow in version 9 export to exe run it and do a print screen. The image will be captured. This is a serious oversight as far as I'm concerned and should be reinstated as a matter of urgency
  3. Can anyone tell me where the option to prevent Print Screen can be found is Version 9 please
  4. Suggest that the mouse cursor changes to the familiar hand when moving over a menu clickable button. There would seem to be no logical reason why the mouse pointer should behave differently to a hypertext link when the sole funcion of both is to trigger some form of event or action. Many thanks Geoff
  5. Thanks for the suggestions which will solve the present problem. However it seems a bit of an oversite that a button that serves no other purpose than to be clicked to trigger an action should behave differently to hyprerlink text. Geoff
  6. Is there anyway of getting the mouse cursor to change to the familiar hand when moving over a menu clickable button. Geoff
  7. Does anyone from Wnsoft have an answer to this please?
  8. Hi nobeefstu Yes I've tried that but afraid it doesn't work using a menu system. Thanks for your time anyway. One for Igor perhaps as it would be a useful feature. Geoff
  9. Is it possible to use a menu with "run and return" slideshows and force everything to run on a second monitor, or projector using windows extended desktop? Geoff
  10. Thanks for the information. It's really the system clock I wanted to see to keep an eye on the time when doing a slideshow evening. I'll keep an eye on the one that Tom's working on (thanks for the link Lin) and see how that develops. One other question either of you may know the answer to. Is it possible using a menu, and run and return slideshows, to force the show to play on the second monitor using extended desktop? Best regards Geoff
  11. I use a menu page from which to run my slideshows using run and return. Does anyone know of any way that a clock using the system time can be displayed on that menu page? Thanks Geoff
  12. Got it now Mark, thanks for re-up. Well worth the wait excellent images and presentation. Congratulations Geoff
  13. Well done Mark, however the files have disappeared from Mediafire so I cant watch the slideshow :-(
  14. I also use this very often for text and would not want to see it go. The one I use the most is Cove Shallow, I find it very useful when slide titles need to be shown, and once set-up it re-sizes dynamically when different text is needed and provides a nice semitransparent box for the text to sit in.
  15. Hi Igor do I take it from this discussion there will not be an 8.5 version?
  16. Igor I think that if you are committed to online activation a once only on install may just be acceptable (although personally I'm not that keen). If you are doing it to reduce piracy then maybe you should take a look at this google search https://www.google.co.uk/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=CmR8VPH6A9jBVNSggcgL&gws_rd=ssl#q=photoshop+CC+and+pirating Even with Adobe's vast resources it took one day to undo what must have take many hours and countless dollars to put in place. Despite what others have said on this forum there is still considerable customer resistance to CC, and it's noticeable that Lightroom which is gaining more and more popularity with photographers Adobe has chosen to retain as a Licensed serial number registered product, although it is bundled with some CC offers. I can understand your thinking but please remember that the contributors to this forum represent a very small proportion of your customers, so valuable as their opinions are there is a good possibility they do not represent the majority view. Regards Geoff
  17. It seems to me that most of the above discussion is presenting lots of reasons for adopting an "If it ain't broke don't fix it" approach or at worse a one off activation on install. Judging by what I've read thus far I think that if Adobe style activation is adopted then I will cease to upgrade at that point. Adobe is a massive company, and able to withstand the bad PR it's cloud system has attracted, I'm not sure the same could be said for Wnsoft.
  18. Igor I understand and sympathise with your reasons for doing this however I'm confused as how the software is activated if an internet connection is not required?
  19. In my opinion there should be a means of activation offline as most other companies offer. There is still some resentment for the reneging on the lifetime updates promise, and this will not help re-build users trust in Wnsoft. (I know and appreciate the reasons for this)
  20. This is definitely not a good change for all the reasons stated and should be abandoned, especially if it is an "every time" validation. I will not be upgrading to 8.09 if this stays in place.
  21. Been using this method since 2009 http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?/topic/10780-rectangle-size/?p=69976 works very well
  22. Hi Lin I don't think it is off topic, and feel that Wnsoft should be made aware of what's being said. However I will end this now, and wait and see what happens when the beta versions become available. Regards Geoff
  23. Hi Igor thanks for your reply. I would draw your attention to my comments above concerning people switching software, and suggest that a paid for .5 upgrade so soon after the release of v8 will not do a great deal to help the situation. I fully understand the need to maintain a revenue stream, but sometimes a gesture to placate disgruntled customers will pay greater dividends in the longer term. Regards Geoff
  24. Hi Eric maybe you are right but I think being open and upfront about cost will avoid some of the negativity surrounding the release of v8. I still hear people complaining about Wnsoft reneging on their promise for free lifetime upgrades, and whilst I have every sympathy for Wnsofts reasons I think they need to be open about this release and "re-build a few bridges". I know of a few who were angry enough to swap to ProShow, which is shooting themselves in the foot as far as I'm concerned, but they are customers Wnsoft can ill afford to loose. Regards Geoff
  25. A simple question about cost appears to have stopped this thread in it's tracks ?
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