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Everything posted by stonemason

  1. Will 8.5 be a free or paid for upgrade?
  2. Hi Lin if you want a more familiar look to Windows 8.1 take a look here http://www.classicshell.net/ I've been using it for about 6 weeks, and find it gives the best of both worlds. Regards Geoff
  3. Hi Igor Like Eric I purchased my new licence yesterday and was charged as follows Total Purchase Price: 30.00 GBP (46.39 USD) If this is now being cut to £26.40 can we get a credit towards the next upgrade Congratulations to you and the team on a superb product. Regards Geoff
  4. Hi Lin Thanks for all the info, I'm not sure what the pro's and con's are for "run application" and "run slideshow with return", old habit's I guess, I've always used run with return, so I'll probably stick with it. It's a bit of a pain converting existing shows, but doesn't take that long really, and not something that has to be done that often. I will now sit and watch your excellent shows with the lights low and a glass of something warming. Best regards Geoff
  5. Hi Lin Did you use "run slideshow with return" on the text links or a different command. I always use run with return, but I thought that required all shows, and the menu to be created with the same version, which can be a pain at times. Thanks for your time Best regards Geoff
  6. Hi Lin very impressive and elevates menus to a new level, well worth the download. Question, did you have to redo all the slideshows in the new version, or is there a way around the version mis-match when creating menus? Best regards Geoff
  7. Hi Lin many thanks for the tutorials, excellent work and much appreciated. Regards Geoff
  8. Thanks Lin looking forward to that. Geoff
  9. Beautiful Lin, any chance of a tutorial on creating that effect please. Geoff
  10. Jill There is yet another way in Photoshop using the Difference blend mode to align images. For a step by step tutorial see here http://www.sean-paul.com/photoshop/photoshop-difference-blending-mode-trick/ Geoff
  11. Lightroom 5 is now available and appears to work quicker than previous versions, and has some nice new features. However there are problems with some output resolutions, which Adobe confirm exist, so it would be better to wait for the first hotfix to these problems before committing fully to the new version.
  12. Igor Bermuda_C.exe runs ok with no errors, but Bermuda_Efix.exe triggers the error message. Geoff
  13. Hi Igor I'm afraid that version brings up the error message also. Is it possible to remove the Print screen protection on these small shows so I can send you screen shots of the error? Geoff
  14. Igor BermudaTest_V3 gives the error message Geoff
  15. Igor Both shows give the error message Geoff
  16. Igor Tried the latest test version,(Bermuda_Ver2)and the error appeared immediately just as in the original version. No I do not have drive E\: on my computer. Geoff
  17. Hi Igor Ran both the modified shows (Capturing Bermuda_Var1,Capturing Bermuda_Var2) with no problems or error messages. Geoff
  18. Igor The show is not mine, it's one of Bill's downloaded from Beechbrook. I have run your shows ShowC and showZ, both ran with no problems and no error messages. Geoff
  19. Hi Igor It happens just before each video clip, so when double clicking to run exe, the screen goes black and the error message appears. If you then click continue or ignore the show carries on to the next video clip, the message appears again and stops the slideshow until one of the buttons is clicked. All these comments apply to the PC version (I can't test mac). The reason it appears at the beginning is because the show starts with a video clip. I have run the show several times and the error message appears at the same places each time. (just before the start of a video clip) Geoff
  20. Hi Bill Just for info, I'm using windows 7 64bit 4gb ram and 1gb dedicated graphics ram. Geoff
  21. Igor can you take a look at this please The problem seems to occur throughout the show when a video clip is about to play. I seem to remember having a similar problem once before but cannot remember what the outcome was. Thanks Geoff
  22. Hi Bill When I tried to run your slideshow, I got the following error message (sorry no screenshot as print screen is disabled) There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into \Device\Harddisk2\DR2 with Cancel Try Again Ignore buttons. Clicking on any of the buttons then caused the show to run OK. Any suggestions as to what may be the cause of this? I enjoyed the show a lot when I watched it. I am quite envious of your holiday Regards Geoff
  23. Thanks Igor
  24. Igor I just wondered if "constrain to picture area" may have been an option, as it's not it's no big problem and not worth the work to include it. I am not using the video bar, but the Sky style buttons. Regards Geoff
  25. Hi Igor, Yes for me personally the way version 7 behaved would be much better Geoff
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