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Everything posted by stonemason

  1. Brian I did as you asked and got exactly the same results as Xaver got using his project naming, so there would definitely seem to be a problem in PTE. Whether or not this is related to Peter's problem I wouldn't like to say but chances are there is a link somewhere. Geoff
  2. Xaver I followed your steps and got exactly the same results as you, so as you say something is wrong somewhere. Geoff
  3. Peter if it's any help, I've just gone through the sequence of events that you describe using PTE V7.5.3. I have been unable to replicate the error you encountered. I opened an existing PTE project did an immediate save as to v2, and the project name displayed top left changed to slideshowv2. I then deleted 2 slides and clicked the close button top right. The popup box came up asking to save changes and the project name displayed slideshowv2.exe. Geoff
  4. Come on guys, healthy debate is all well and good, but let's try and keep the personal stuff out of it. It contributes nothing to the debate, and does nothing to enhance the reputation of the forum or of those who indulge in it.
  5. Igor I converted all my slideshows using the test version, then ran the three page menu system with all 50 shows. I did lots of menu switching and short runs of slideshows pressing esc to return to the menu, also ran several shows for their full length and allowed them to finish and return to the menu. They all worked perfectly, no sign of the "out of memory" message, and flawless performance under conditions that would never be encountered under normal circumstances, (lots of forced starting and stopping). Once again many thanks for your excellent support, and persistence in tracking down a problem that must have been difficult considering it's random nature, and the vague information I was able to supply you. Regards Geoff
  6. Igor Many thanks, it will take me a while to convert all my shows to give it a full test. I'll get back to you with results as soon as I can. Your teams support is first class. Geoff
  7. Thanks Igor I ran the task manager, and there was nothing there to suggest any problem, around 2% to 5% maximum CPU useage even when the error occurred, and still showing about 60% available physical Ram. I'm glad I could help in some small way. Regards Geoff
  8. Igor looking again at that error code has me even more puzzled. The slide show Opening Page. exe flagged in the error message should not be running at any time while the menu pages are on the screen or other slideshows running. Opening Page.exe is only run from the menu page when the exit button is clicked.This enables me then to shutdown the projector without the audience ever seeing the computer desktop. Geoff
  9. Igor It happened just now, and I got the screen capture below. Hope this helps.
  10. Igor I'm afraid it's a very random thing which seem to occur when the slideshow either starts from a click on the menu link or when it completes (or escape is pressed) and it attempts to return to the menu, which leads me to suspect something in the "Run slideshow with return" function. I'm sorry I can't pin it down better than that for you but it is very unpredictable. Geoff
  11. Igor I have sent you a PM with dropbox links. I have not been able to replicate the error on single slideshows, so my suspicion is that the error is being caused by the "Run slideshow with return" function. Hope this helps Geoff
  12. Hi Igor, I hope you had a good break. I have tried to replicate this problem, and isolate it to a certain show/shows but it is very random in nature and a show that gives an error will run OK next time. The reverse is also true in that sometimes a show that runs OK will give the out of memory problem the next time it's run. It would seem that the greatest percentage of errors show when pressing the escape key during the show to return to the menu. The complete menu and all the shows is 2.48gb of files, so sending them all to you doesn't seem practical, unless I can ftp them in some way. My system details are Windows 7 64bit Intel core 2quad Q8300 @ 2.5GHz 2.5GHz cpu 4gb Ram Nvidia GeForce 220 with 1gb DDR SDRAM graphics 1920 x 1080 monitor resolution. Although my monitor is 1920 x 1080 I create my slideshows at an aspect ratio of 16 x 10 as that is the aspect ratio on my laptop where they will ultimately be run for projection. Geoff
  13. Hi Davegee and Ken With about 50 shows, containing some 2500 images, and the errors being completely random and a show to do on Tuesday, I'm afraid I had to take the shortest route. After removing 7.5 and reinstalling 7.07, I went through the whole conversion process again (my backups were created using 7.05) the converted files run smoothly from the menu system, with no errors at all. Of course when Igor returns from his break I will do all I can to assist in finding this bug be it in 7.5 or just on my system. The new features, and interface changes in 7.5 are excellent so it is very much in my interest to get the problem solved. Just for information the menu is a three page system with links to 18 shows per page, and then additional links to move between pages. I have run this system for several years now without any problems. The slideshows average about 50mb each and contain between 30 - 40 images per show. Geoff
  14. I'm getting far to many out of memory errors when running slideshows created with version 7.5. All these slideshows (about 50 of them) have had the exe files recreated in 7.5, using the PTE files that worked OK in version 7.07. I run my slideshows from a menu system using "run slideshow with return" so they all have to be created using the same version. I had no problems at all with 7.07, but 7.5.3 has me tearing out what little hair I have left. Is this problem unique to me or are others experiencing the same sort of problems. In the mean time it's back to 7.07 for me. Geoff
  15. This video has been removed by the user? Message I got when clicking the link.
  16. Excellent show Barry, obviously given a great deal of thought resulting in some stunning transitions, and superb timing with the music. I enjoyed it a lot. Geoff
  17. Mickp you need to load the file from the custom transitions window. Geoff
  18. Anyone had any experiance with these, espesially the InFocus IN3118HD Projector?
  19. Thanks for the link Eric some useful stuff there Geoff
  20. Our camera club is in the process of buying a 1900 x 1080 projector for use in projecting digital images for visiting speakers and competitions in addition to PTE slideshows. As the projector is for club use the budget is less of an issue than perhaps it would be for a personal purchase. However the most vexing question is whether to buy LCD or DLP. I think Igor has expressed a preference for LCD before now, but given the differing opinions expressed on the web other PTE forum members experiences and observations would be most welcome.
  21. Mute track in the timeline then go to O&A window, easy and no extra coding
  22. Davy A good slide show, different and well matched to the music (which was?)I enjoyed this a lot. Geoff
  23. Eric I have loaded your book on my kindle, and my early findings confirm my comments above. When the page is viewed "full page" the text is quite tiny and difficult to read. If the size is increased, scroll bars appear on the Kindle screen as you have to scroll side to side to read the top half of the page, then scroll to the bottom and again side to side to read the bottom half of the page. Whilst this is OK for manuals, where perhaps one or at most two pages need to be read to answer a particular query, it would totally destroy any flow in reading a full book. As soon as I get time I'll convert the pdf to mobi format and let you know how that looks. Sorry to sound negative, but these are early observations, and I'll get back to you as soon as I've done the conversion. Regards Geoff
  24. Eric I have a Kindle and must say that for books in the native .mobi format they are great bits of kit. However to save some weight when I go away I have camera and phone manuals on the kindle in pdf format, and have to say they are not the easiest to read. Unless your book is graphics intensive, it may pay you to convert the original text file to mobi format using a programme such as Calibre (free wear)which would make it much more user friendly. I would be happy to take a look at the pdf file on my Kindle if you feel it would help, pm me a location if you wish to pursue that. Regards Geoff
  25. Hi Barry I eventually got the file by right click and save as. Well worth the effort, an excellent tutorial and a very interesting concept. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, I had to go into hospital for an operation on my shoulder, so now having to type and mouse left handed for the next 6 weeks.
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