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Everything posted by hiplip

  1. Thankyou Guru and every one else who has been very helpful on this forum. The problem was an incomplete key ie: the =" was missing from the file sent to me by PTE or was it my email client was stripping it? anyway it now works fine, so thanks again for all your help. Guru I think my email is down, haven't recieved any email at all today. Phil
  2. Thankyou all for trying to help me. Well I did what most of you sugested, copied all the string into notepad and saved it as a *.reg file made sure I had quote " . when the file was delivered there was no quote at the end of the file so I wonder if part of the key is missing ? because it still popsup saying "Invalid or Damaged key" Phil
  3. I can't get a reply to my emails sent to support. I registered my product and the email they sent back did not have a file attached. Instead I had written text at the end of the email. support@wnsoft.comREGEDIT4 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PTE] "Key"="0Z8PKwg/2+ect about 100 plus letters and numbers. I tried entering the "key" but this does not work. Any ideas. Phil
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