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Everything posted by Adda

  1. YES! Andreas
  2. Hi Granot! FlashPTE Demo is a wunderful thing. But after playing it, i can not maximize the windows of programs. There is a stripe between taskbar and programm window. I have to restart the computer to geht the whole size of the windows. Greetings Andreas
  3. Screen Resolution Utility is a very important utily for me. Thank you, Granot
  4. Wow - very good news!!! Making DVD menus ist no problem with Nero Vision Express. Good luck! Andreas
  5. It would be absolutly great. Andreas
  6. Good idea, Granot! But I have a problem: With my Pentium 1 GH the movement of the new version of the pano-tool is jerky. Andreas
  7. Granot, to run several panos in one show is not a problem, I find a simple workarround. 1) Save each Panorama (pano.jpg) with the files "panorunner.exe" and "cg.txt" in a seperatly folder in the root directory of your show (pano1, pano2, pano3 ...) 2) Work in PTE ("run external application") with relative paths (/pano1/PanoRunner.exe; /pano2/PanoRunner.exe; /pano3/PanoRunner.exe) It works fine!! Andreas
  8. I agree with Guido, that dependence of CPU-Speed is a serious problem. Granot, do you think it is possible to set a time of scolling instead of speed? Example: 30 sec to scoll the panorama (independent of CPU-Speed) I think this would be a great improvement of a excellent programm. Andreas
  9. I found a way to automate the start: 1) Choose a backgound picture for the pano (blur or unicolor) 2) Go to customize slide 3) choose "run external application" 4) chosse "own time preference" and set at "display slide for" a time, which the pano needs I think, this is a good work-arround. But I think, dependent of the PC-Power, the speed of the pano will be different? The best way would be a integration in the PTE: 1) Funktion "Add pano" instaed of "add Picture" 2) after the pano closes, the next slide will be play Igor, what do you think about these ideas? Andreas
  10. You are great, Granot! Never saw such a easy to use pano-tool!!!!!!!! Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!, now we have a possibility to show panos within PTE-Shows. Thank you very much, Granot. A few questions and ideas: 1) How can i integrate the pano-tool in my show, which plays automatically. The only way I see to start the pano tool ist to create a object with button (start application). Is there a way to start the pano-tool automatically? 2) How can I start several panos in one show? 3) It would be great, if Igor can integrate the pano-tool in the PTE-Programm (Button "Add Pano"). Andreas
  11. BUG! I am not able to choose a background-color (solid-color) with the new beta. Greetings Andreas
  12. This would be great!!! Andreas
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